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some new pics 1/27

Aug 3, 2012
These pics were taken a few weeks ago. I put mirrors flat on the table and at various angles behind the lasers. And in some I made a "V" channel of mirrors As you can see on some of them, many reflections of beams, in some almost too many, but worth the effort. And there are some with my 473nm, and a few with a 593.5 too. Lastly the ones with the prisms are my favorite of this batch. Enjoy


Superb, Bruce!
Great to see those 473nm beams again! :cool:
Wow Bruce always a treat! You and Lux should really get together and combine your magic:thinking::rolleyes:
Wow Bruce always a treat! You and Lux should really get together and combine your magic:thinking::rolleyes:

I appreciate your comments GSS, but I am just a mere amateur compared to the pro Bruce here. I have a lot to learn and experiment with before I get to anything like his stunning work. :beer:
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Wow, brucemir does it again--a beyond exceptional series photograpihic art work with lasers---amazing and beautiful.
Always beautiful. The way the light appears to be curved on a couple photos is very trippy.
How do you bend the light ? Unless it's a trade secret. I'd understand if it was.
Thanks again for the shared beauty.
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Thanks everyone!

Lux - just keep on shooting and experimenting, every time you do you will learn more.

Encap- As far as "arty" photos I have some you may like. I do not know if you are familiar with the Phillips Hue lighting system, but I recently picked up a Hue Go light, which is portable and have taken some very minimalist photos of it using lasers and some different pieces of glass that look very good to me. I will have to get them posted one day.

Davidx - I use a 8mm fisheye lens on my camera for the curving effect and can control the amount of distortion by changing the angle and height of the camera
Superb. I like those last prism ones the most as well, especially #20 :)
Love them as always... I love the mirror backround effect. Look like someone might be getting larger mirrors soon?!
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Stunning. Your threads are always such a treat!! :) :)

2 questions;

If you are working with multiple colors across a large WL range. What laser safety glasses do you use. I have a pair that covers ~ purple, blue and green(from 400nm to 550nm) and then ~ red(from 550nm to 750nm)

What is the rough approximate output of those lasers?
Stunning. Your threads are always such a treat!! :) :)

2 questions;

If you are working with multiple colors across a large WL range. What laser safety glasses do you use. I have a pair that covers ~ purple, blue and green(from 400nm to 550nm) and then ~ red(from 550nm to 750nm)

What is the rough approximate output of those lasers?

I asked Bruce a similar question a while ago; he says he sets up the lasers one colour at a time more or less, while wearing the set that protects against that wavelength. Once he's positive the laser(s) are stable, he can take off that set and move on to the next colours. Making sure there's no risk in walking into the wavelengths he's not protected by, of course.
At least, something along those lines.
