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some new pics 1/27

Those are some awesome set-ups you have there!
Love the way you're using fish eye lenses to "bend" the light!

What type of camera do you use?
I have a Nikon D3300 that works pretty well. Though I haven't tried it with any beam shots yet.
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Hi Laserchick and thank you Gabe! I really couldn't explain it better. Again before I even turn on a laser they are securely clamped onto the ring stand poles I use. When I turn on a laser or lasers I use my safety glasses ,which I got from Dragon Lasers when I got a 447nm 200mw Aurora. Once all of the lasers are on I can walk around my whole set up safety to photograph. Obviously if I am going to cross thru a beam a will always turn the other way. My procedures are safe but caution is always taken as it only takes one slip up.

If you check out my signature you will see most of what I own (and use) is between20 and 200 mw with a few exceptions, such as two the 405's at 500mw and a few 445nms around 1W, but very rarely use them as the are too bright for most of what I try to do.

Syko - send me a PM with the pic # you want and I will get back to to you

Chrisbee - I use a Nikon D5200, a model up and a generation older from the 3300. I really have enjoyed using the camera for photographing lasers, infrared, and more normal things.
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Optics are great. I knew right off that you used a fisheye lens on your camera for the curved shots. Very nice, indeed.
Stunning. Your threads are always such a treat!! :) :)

2 questions;

If you are working with multiple colors across a large WL range. What laser safety glasses do you use. I have a pair that covers ~ purple, blue and green(from 400nm to 550nm) and then ~ red(from 550nm to 750nm)

What is the rough approximate output of those lasers?

Did you mean red (650nm-750nm)? If not, what kind of glasses do you have?
Have you ever done a bunch of beams through a large glass fish tank full of water?
I know I have seen a lot of pretty shots, some through glass I think, but I can't remember if water or not.
OMG:wtf::drool::gj::worthy:this is pure laser p#$N hahahaha, excuse the expression but I don't know what else to call it.
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Thanks for sending me the Full size version of the image i requested, looks absolutely amazing as a background image!
