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Some issues with my 1.2w 445nm laser, what to do?

Apr 19, 2011
Hey guys, I have a 1.2w laser I bought from "yobresal" many many years ago from this forum however it seems like he has not been active on here in quite some time so I am hoping someone might be able to give me some advice here.

I stopped using the laser for a while and after recently re finding it cleaning out my storage unit, I would like to start using it a bit again. I bought new batteries for it and it mostly works, however it has intermittent issues.

When I try to screw the back cap of the laser back on for the batteries and turn on the laser most of the time, nothing will happen. If I then unscrew it (with the power button "turned on") and start to re-attach and screw it back together, then the laser will typically come on and light up, however as I continue to screw the cap on, the laser will eventually shut off. It almost seems like when I tighten it all the way it will shut off. When I leave it in a "half attached" position and let the laser run for a little bit, then try to screw it back down all the way it will typically seem to run normally after that until next time I try to use it.

I don't know if the laser needs to "warm" up even though it is summer time here and very warm out, or if there is too much pressure or what. I have never taken the laser apart for any reason and never had this issue previously when I had first gotten it and used it and looking for some advice to make this a little more normal and reliable for it. Trying to hold a laser this powerful while screwing on an end cap with the laser turning on and off and moving around does not feel like a very safe way to be using it and would like to get it back in normal working order.

I can always provide pictures if needed as well.

Hard to say but this could be an issue of things shifting around inside the laser and therefore the tailcap not making contact / completing the circuit when fully attached. Have you tried looking inside the laser? The batteries may also be the culprit, given that the laser was in storage and presumably not jostling around too much during that time. Brand, protected vs unprotected, and button vs flat top can affect battery length
Hard to say but this could be an issue of things shifting around inside the laser and therefore the tailcap not making contact / completing the circuit when fully attached. Have you tried looking inside the laser? The batteries may also be the culprit, given that the laser was in storage and presumably not jostling around too much during that time. Brand, protected vs unprotected, and button vs flat top can affect battery length
These were new batteries I ordered not too long ago and only charged and tried using a few times and still seem to be in decent condition. I have thought about buying new batteries and will probably anyway to be safe but don't know for sure if that's the issue. It's weird how the issue seems to come and go and once I get the laser going, it seems to keep going.

I have not taken the laser apart or tried to go inside of it at all as I am not even 100% sure what I would be looking for. I did loosen the top of it and just looked under the diode and it looks like the wired are secured in there but I don't want to try pulling anything out etc.
It sounds like a contact issue. First make sure all of the contact surfaces are clean and free of any "coatings." This includes any springs and the threading for the tail cap. Make sure the switch is secure in the tail cap (it shouldn't move around ;) ).
It could also be that the new batteries are longer than the original batteries. The overall length could be longer or they may have a taller "nub" on the positive end. The extra length could be causing a spring to shift to the side or push a contact point away from the body. The fix could be as simple as a different brand of battery or cutting a spring down a bit.
Not a problem I appreciate the information and help. I will take some pictures of the laser and parts for it when I get home from work.
I've built a few of these lately with some left over drivers I had. Pics are helpful BTW. No one answered, so I will - there is no "Warm Up" on these. Also, you are not pushing the diode very much so as said before, its probably just a bad connection somewhere. As long as you don't inadvertently short it out, it should be an easy fix.
