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[SOLVED] Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?


Jan 20, 2014

im new here and have an ask for you all. :)
I got a ~50mW 532mn Lasermodule and actually is it in a simple host with a 3V batterie. But i will build into an nicer host (maybe build it by self.. notice: im from germany) but i dont know how and i dont know how it should be show... did you understand? :D

So.. it should be have 2 standard 1,5volt batteries, a toggle switch, a modern design and yea..

I dont have any idea.. can you help me? :)

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Re: Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?

Why don't you order for a custom host and heatsink from Mcrouse or Edumonium here.
Re: Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?

Because I'm new here and do not know, that Member here can build me a custom host ok?

But sure, I will ask them. Thank you (:
Re: Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?

I've had mrcrouse do custom work for me a couple times. He doesn't disappoint :)



Those are just examples. If you like something smaller I'm sure he can accommodate any need you may have. Sinner is also another excellent machinist


Just it that set up for sale.
Re: Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?

@Tmack: Check PM (:
Re: Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?

I think I will buy this host by sinner.
Re: Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?

That's a very nice host. You may need to remove the pill and add a longer spring to the module driver . I've put a green module in a sinner host before and this is what I had to do.

The module and driver is much longer than just a diode module, so the pill would get in the way. To solve that problem, just remover the pill and see how long you need the spring. If the spring needs to be quite long you may need a piece of foam to make sure the spring doesn't bend and make contact with the side of the host. But other than the length problem, it should be straight forward. Drop it in, tighten set screw and insert battery.
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Re: Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?

Ok, thank you for your help :)

€: I noticed, that the batterie for the host is 18650 with 3,7 volts. But my module just accepts 3 volts. What do you think, can I do?
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Re: Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?

An 18650 3.7v Li-ion will be fine.

Keep in mind that because green modules are longer than standard laser modules you may not fit an 18650 as well as the module into the envy host. You may find that you can only fit a shorter battery in for example an 18350.
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Re: Does anyone have a nice idea for a laserhost for a green lasermodule?

^^^^ I found the same thing when building the msv3. I explained it bu forgot to tell the op I did end up using 1 18350 ... Thanks will.
