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FrozenGate by Avery

So what happens at customs?

Do some companys send the laser labeled as a gift to protect the buyer from any possible fines or charges? Because if it was a gift the receiver wouldnt know what it was anyway..

yea most of the companies that sell lasers label the packages as a flash light instead of laser...but still 19 days is a lot
today i finally got notice that it is at my post office!
ordered:Feb 17
Shipped(supposedly): Feb 24
In US: March 7
At my post office: March 27

well they actually got my laser here, free shipping. So just don't order from lasersman if you need your laser anytime soon.

Side note* My laser was completely inspected, customs tape everywhere. Was listed as a 3kg $1 gift :P. Customs made sure the laser had the proper safety locks, then unlocked all of them, and sent it to me. They left the aperture blocker open, and the push button on. The second i armed the laser is was go time, thankfully i was wearing my goggles and not pointing it at my face.
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YAY FINALLY I GOT MY LASER !!!! After about 11 days !! Which is pretty fast !! Less than 2 week ( only working days mond-sat) so yea i will make a video of the laser !! Today or tomorrow and i will posted here !! So stay tunned !! And please if you have heared that LAZERPOINT its not a good online store .. Well it is !(;
Btw the package came as documents .. Not as a " gift" and instead of putting the real price 20$ they labeled it as a 8$ electronic !(; pretty cool hu?!.!.
Why do they take them at all? I thought they were legal.
Just received the first I ordered. The package was clearly labled on both sides.
From "Laserpointerpro".
One side even had the invoice stuck on stating it was a 130mw laser pointer.
Just ordered another one. Now I wish I would have gotten the insurance.
it is no no to sell anything as a laser "pointer" over 5mw in the US. Custom is random, you could order a t-shirt and it take 2 months to get(personal exp) and form this "One side even had the invoice stuck on stating it was a 130mw laser pointer" I would say they could list it as an electronic device or anything other than a LASER POINTER and you would probably be fine.
