Folks: I am a new member of this forum

. I just purchased a supposedly 500 mW 405 nm laser pointer from Rayfoss. Seemed to work OK for a while then reverted to the behavior indicated by Khoonda. It is bright for a few seconds, then goes to a very dim mode. If I let it rest a few minutes I can repeat the behavior over and over, bright for a few seconds, then dims. haven't tested for longer than a minute, but basically no change over that timeframe.
I didn't get any instructions on charging the 2 16340 Li cells, so I just guessed and used the charger that came with the laser for 4 hrs with each cell. Putting those back in gave a killer beam for a few seconds (I could actually see the beam emerging from the laser) then reverted to the same old activity again.
This might be a problem with current limiting laser circuitry, strange battery behavior, or perhaps a bad diode. I ordered from Rayfoss because I heard here and elsewhere they are a reputable company. I have explained my problem to them and we shall see what they do.
I do note that the laser I received (two weeks ago) looks like the same body shown in Khoonda's photos, those his laser is supposedly 100 mW.
Also, what is meant by "LEDed"?