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should i even?

Don't trust Aliexpress, and any green laser handhelds over 1W... :beer:
To answer your question as you put it NO ....it will be way way less than that theres my similar <8000mW marked laser that actually is 128mW LPM


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To answer your question as you put it NO ....it will be way way less than that theres my similar <8000mW marked laser that actually is 128mW LPM

What is wrong? It is marked as <8W and it is... well, way less than 8W...
Yeah of course lol but you could put that sticker on any laser there is other than an industrial high power one, the assumption being that you expect the output to be at least 25 % of what the label says even 10 % most of my higher powered laser pens say < 100 or < 200mW and measure around 60mW and 110 mW so not wildly exaggerated,
I have several <100W 532nm lasers :D

Also, don't ever buy from aliexpress. I wouldn't be surprised if 25% of the lasers sold there didn't work out of the box and another 25% that failed less than a month later and maybe <5% of the lasers on there are more than 10% of spec. LOL

Good luck getting a replacement if/when the laser dies too.

Stick to reputable companies or buy from trusted LPF members is the best way to go.
Well, IMO, lasers should be marked as their minimal average power... or as their peak power, or both...

I think chinese like adding a few 0s in their spec list... and instead for example 5W, they put 5000mW, just because the number seems larger...
I have several <100W 532nm lasers :D

Also, don't ever buy from aliexpress. I wouldn't be surprised if 25% of the lasers sold there didn't work out of the box and another 25% that failed less than a month later and maybe <5% of the lasers on there are more than 10% of spec. LOL

Good luck getting a replacement if/when the laser dies too.

Stick to reputable companies or buy from trusted LPF members is the best way to go.
As to pens and eBay pens there is like anything else a better quality factor that you never know.A lot of eBay pens get a yawn from ppl as the host is pretty boring but not outright yuck,but its luck of the draw as to how good a pen you get obviously power and quality and longevity. I been very lucky in that i haven't had a dud eBay pen yet. Most are overspec and by a long way. Some are just over and the switch is dodgy at times, and the power sticker on the higher speced ones i have found are the less powerful ones in reality .i have being in Australia a heap with 1mW on them and 90% are well over that like 30 to 160 times, so the rated power on a laser can really Go the other way as well
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My main point was quality. From cheap chinese unknown sellers and random lasers sites you often get extremely poor quality and the lasers rarely appear to have been tested at all. If you just want a laser and don't really care for it to become anything of a hobby just get a pen or small torch off ebay. At least then ebay and PayPal will back you if you get a DOA.
