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FrozenGate by Avery

Selling some stuff

laserterd said:
Theres a few more things available:

125mw green CNI pen style: $150 (reduced)

I might want to pick this one up also, but just got a few questions about it.
- How far will it burn things (spiders on a wall/ceiling, balloons, and matches) ???  ***keep in mind I just bought your caps***
- with or without IR filter?
- can you compare it to the Dragon Lasers - Viper 125mw?

I'll have paypal ready for this as soon as I know my gf can now use this laser pointer as a bug killer as well as my personal burning toy.. lol

I'll pass on the 125 cni for now. going to do a bit of research on high powered lasers that are able to kill the random bug that gets in my house. =p
AoiShikaku said:
I'll pass on the 125 cni for now.  going to do a bit of research on high powered lasers that are able to kill the random bug that gets in my house.  =p

You need high powered blu-ray ;)

And a very steady hand :o

Oh yeah . . .and a slow bug ::)

The best laser for killing bugs would be a pulsed yag laser. One pulse and the bug is vaporized before it can move.
daguin said:
You need high powered blu-ray ;)

And a very steady hand  :o

Oh yeah . . .and a slow bug  ::)


steady hand - yup (mouse sensitivity highest @ 4000 dpi + 1000Hz polling) Pro-Sniper TF2 and CS =)

blu-ray... curious.. but what kind of blu-ray should I be looking to make??  I was thinking of making one out of a lead-light case with a modified heat sink I made to the tip to reduce the heat.. aiming for 100-150mw depends on the heat output, but dont know how much I should up it to get a 1 sec kill for a bug

errr slow bugs.. would it count if I followed the laser on the bug?  I'm looking for a less than a second kill for bugs.

PS YAG Pulse laser is out of the question.. I need it to fit into my pocket =p
anyone else heared from laserterd wont answer my recent pm's :'(
i know its only been 8 days but it could've came from china almost by now
:-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?
nope.. haven't heard of anything nor have received shipment yet... still waiting though.
I am in Canada so I expect it here in less than two weeks from anywhere except Canada.
If I get my stuff before you do I'll PM you to tell you where it came from.
i already bought the meter just waiting for arrival :P

thanks Aoishikaku i'll do the same
john_lawson said:
anyone else heared from laserterd wont answer my recent pm's  :'(
i know its only been 8 days but it could've came from china almost by now
:-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-? :-?

If you click on laserterd's name you can see that he was on the forum yesterday morning. So, he's getting our PM's.

I actually did get a response yesterday. This is what he said when I asaked hime when I would get my goggles:

"sorry i have been very busy. I am shipping all the stuff i a selling this weekend, and ill send it with whatever speed i can afford. Theyll get to you soon though. "
well.. 9 days later.. I suppose it isn't so bad.

I'm still waiting on Dr.Lava'sver since Sept. 23 :'(
