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FrozenGate by Avery

Selling Jetlasers Equality 1.4W 462nm $165 shipped

For some reason my post in this thread went bye bye.
I tested this laser before reshipping and its awesome--the fixed focus is right where I would have wanted it.
The color must be seen to appreciate.. very bright, for a blue.
The laser is covered by the no-BS one year rom JL and after that you can count on JL to help out should there be a problem.

..IF it must be returned for repair you only need to send it to me. I will add it to the next box going to JL AND refund your ship costs.. IF it is going to be replaced --once I have it .. it will be the same as if JL had it.

=== 'Pros 'of the EQ. series== a 'for REAL' 1 yr warranty and awesome machine work-- will NOT roll off anything... and just the right size.
Cons... no place to attach wrist strap and to add safety stickers you will need to be creative and cut the sticker into pieces that will fit somewhere. Also no BE adaptor.

I just got a 465nm 1400 ProPL-E Mini or I would buy it.. review coming soon.
This price is lower than I would have asked for sure..
Oh, this isn't the 462nm PL-E pro I got from you. I'm keeping that one. This is the cheaper equality series, which I got directly from jet lasers.

oops my bad--just shows how many own JLs (& how old I am getting-lol)
you DID get the EQ thru me correct? no guess not.. (>100 in total were-10 GBs)

I am privy to the Custom,s list of ..'Watched ' shippers of (overpower lasers)
and JL has never been on any list.. WL however was placed on 'OPEN ALL PACKAGES & INSPECT' list.
As was BOBLASER--remember them?? lol
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oops my bad--just shows how many own JLs (& how old I am getting-lol)
you DID get the EQ thru me correct? no guess not.. (>100 in total were-10 GBs)

I am privy to the Custom,s list of ..'Watched ' shippers of (overpower lasers)
and JL has never been on any list.. WL however was placed on 'OPEN ALL PACKAGES & INSPECT' list.
As was BOBLASER--remember them?? lol
Interesting stuff. Seems like JL generally keep a low profile and that keeps them from catching the attention of the 'idiots'.
Special deal: I'll drop the price to $155 if the buyer pays with paypal friend and family to avoid fees. This is the absolute best I can offer.
I told Offroadfreak I was probably gonna buy one from him when I got paid, you think he would be mad if I postponed for a couple more weeks and bought this from you razako?
I told Offroadfreak I was probably gonna buy one from him when I got paid, you think he would be mad if I postponed for a couple more weeks and bought this from you razako?
If you want, I could hold it for you for a few weeks if you really think you'll want it.
