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FrozenGate by Avery

Selling a laser for the first time... Help?


Aug 27, 2012
I need to ship my 1-1.5W laser to puerto rico so do i have to take it apart before i ship it?

Where do you live? Look at the laws on lasers where you are and the laws in puerto rico. Then come back and we will tell you what to do. Make sure the person you are selling it to is mature and trustworthy.
Packages from US to PR are considered domestic mail, I know the rates are the same as shipping within the US, not sure if they are subject to customs inspections though...
So... Can i ship a fully assembled 1W laser from Mississippi to PR without it getting taken by customs?
I've heard that PR is pretty relaxed with their laser laws, and due to it being part of the US, It seems possible, but I'm no law expert.

That being said, you should probably find out before sending it.
