Actually, it might have been less than $176 (was it $146?) I can't remember.
That said, it was a group-buy price, and you can't just hop out and get that price now. Plus, with DD no longer selling lasers, it's uncertain when such a deal may pop up again. So I think you may be justified in charging a bit of a premium for your laser.
I just sold one of mine for $210 including shipping, and with the shipping done in two pieces, so that batteries could be shipped separately. So if you use that as a template, that's about $190 before shipping, from which I'd subtract another $5 for the batteries, so like $185 range for the laser itself.
That said, this was a sale where the buyer came to me and asked me if I would sell a laser I wasn't otherwise trying or planning to sell (and didn't want to sell). I might not have gotten $185 if I had just tried to list it for sale up front. I would suspect that the $175 range, plus shipping, is probably an appropriate price for both buyer and seller, when the buyer has actively listed this laser for sale. Perhaps a bit less here because this laser isn't LPM'd.