^^^Red great video and info as always^^^Hello,
I think, that is the problem with all new members. I joined a german forum since it started. So I knew very well what problems were discussed in the past. Sometimes the search function is not very comfortable to find the right answers.
best regards

Like Edgar said, true at times..
Many members will point out the Search bar option. It can help but it also can send you to this exact thread for example or other threads with similar questions

I'm not a fan of members attacking a newbie that has some question's and right away pointing to the search bar, nor a fan of newbie's asking 100 questions in a row which shows they invested zero time in doing their own homework..
Big pet peeve is when someone only finds this forum when a unit of theirs has issue's or has died and shows no evidence that they tried searching..
I lurked this forum for months and when I finally joined the only lasers I had where Dollar Store reds.. Then I bought nicer laser's..
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