FWIW, I received mine on April 1st. I think a lot of people are suddenly piling on thejoker out of a collective frustration right now. But the mail system is what it is over there in Israel. Eitan has replaced packages lost in the mail more than once.
Now to EVERYONE: People here are describing Eitan as a thief and scam artist and fraud, but I would like to point out something that I thought in the past should remain between buyer and seller in order to avoid inviting the seller to get taken advantage of. I ordered my laser from him and paid for the $10 shipping and then did the same waiting as most others here. I emailed him and usually got responses right away when I had concerns about the shipping time. When the delays became more than what he promised, he offered me a $15 refund to compensate me for the wait. Then he changed it and offered me $20. I accepted that, and then he sent $30 to my Paypal account! On top of that, I received my package and found that the postage was $35, which is well over the $10 I paid for. If that weren't enough, he then offered to pay me $10 to write a review. There's been some delay with that, after which he offered $15 and then $20. I have no doubt he will do this as he has done everything else he said he would. It makes me wonder how he's making money!
Bottom line: Frauds, theives and scam artists don't give back money and incur expenses that equals 85% of what I paid for the laser. Generous people who care about their reputation do that.