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Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

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Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

I mean no disrespect but I'm not the only one unhappy here and I feel I've been more than patient. I have a right to be concerned and did not show any bad manners with my complaint, in fact others in this thread have been far more harsh with their words than I.
I suppose you are right about PayPal, which is why I haven't filed a dispute yet.
I 'm done with this issue
Whatever man.

I reaponded my friend. The pack was in the processing center and it takes time to update.

But today it will and I will make it will. Next week you should your package.

Please hold on and give it a chance. I do not have the laser in my hands , if I would I would have refund ypu right now. But it is not.

I apologize like I said in the email.

Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

I said I was done with this so please drop it. I make no further replies to this thread. If the mods want to close or delete this thread please do so.

I do understand that attitude.

But anyway , you will get laser next week :)

If anyone has problems with anything , please feel free to email me. I am saying that again , I am always here to reply.


Update : All codes updated. Please check :)

Also for Jared ( member name here is J53113 ) the code has been take care of and now shows up in the USPS website finally !


Everything is back on track :beer:
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Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

No update here. How come Sossd gets his laser? I ordered a month before he did
Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

No update here. How come Sossd gets his laser? I ordered a month before he did

It did update : https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=LX004689705IL

Your pack was in the US for quite a time. They did something wrong there and a problem occured. But now it is fixed and should arrive to you within a few days :beer:

He did not get his laser yet. His was sent a week ago and his code now updated too. As well as Bayrock package. I also sent them both pictures of their packages for proof.

I was in the post office today and made sure all packages leave.

In anyway , everything is on track. Orders up to the 15-17th are done and will be sent on sunday morning. I do have a small delay of about 7 days which I will take care of asap.

Thanks for the feedback again. I am doing my best to keep up :)
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Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

Lasers take time to build , and doing so while learning in the university and having a relationship is hard. So please understand me too and co-op.

Wow - you run this empire whilst doing university. You got plans to be the next Steve Jobs/Bill Gates :)

Get your partner to help you in your business :) Maybe "employ" one of the students for a bit of beer money :)

In any case - don't burn out and don't take your relationship for granted.

Take care,
Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

I was thinking about ordering but a buddy of mine that is still waiting for his order told me to check this out. Looks like a lot of frustrated and angry folks here.
I'll think Ill hold off for a bit on placing any orders. My friend has been waiting almost 7-8 weeks.
Just a thought, I know as business owner myself that no one can survive forever without return customers.

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Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

I was thinking about ordering but a buddy of mine that is still waiting for his order told me to check this out. Looks like a lot of frustrated and angry folks here.
I'll think Ill hold off for a bit on placing any orders. My friend has been waiting almost 7-8 weeks.
Just a thought, I know as business owner myself that no one can survive forever without return customers.


Who is your buddy ? And how is he waiting for such long time ?

Only 3 guys that ordered lasers on january still did not get the lasers becuase of a problem with the shipping which is being take care of.

All others have got their orders / orders are on their way.

As said all orders up to 15-17th of February are done.

I am closing the gap this month made.

But your buddy is probably one of the 3 guys who had a shipping problem. Which is not something that happen regulary at all.

And like I said if the lasers will not show up all will get a new unit shipped asap :)

Anyway everything here was sorted out. All member who posted here about problems was given an answer and their problem have been solved.

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Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

LOL. I'm not the one who's upset with you. I think I will keep my orders state side anyway. Good luck my friend
Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

LOL. I'm not the one who's upset with you. I think I will keep my orders state side anyway. Good luck my friend

I am not angry too , just wanted to be clear :)

When it clears up and no delays will occur , shoot me a pm and maybe we will close a deal.

Your friend can email me at anytime. I am always here to help :beer:
Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

Eitan has kindly provided me with a detailed update on my unit, and the tracking information was processed this morning. With that said I apologize for any misconceptions I conveyed about the service provided at Sci-Fi. I believe Eitan may have been tangled in a web of misfortunes recently that resulted in some questionable feedback. However, I can vouch for his efforts as an individual and the credit in the service he provides.

He has communicated with me consistently, and managed to reassure me about any concerns that surfaced during the process. Overall, Sci-Fi provides a quality service at competitive prices that can't be overlooked.

Thanks Eitan! Keep it up.
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Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

Eitan has kindly provided me with a detailed update on my unit, and the tracking information was processed this morning. With that said I apologize for any misconceptions I conveyed about the service provided at Sci-Fi. I believe Eitan may have been tangled in a web of misfortunes recently that resulted in some questionable feedback. However, I can vouch for his efforts as an individual and the credit in the service he provides.

He has communicated with me consistently, and managed to reassure me about any concerns that surfaced during the process. Overall, Sci-Fi provides a quality service at competitive prices that can't be overlooked.

Thanks Eitan! Keep it up.
Your a good man keeping us updated on the positive side also, some people are quick to update us on ANYTHING negative but when they get good customer service etc they dont post and clear things up or drop what they said..
+ Rep if i can
Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

Well . I got my laser and everything is fine. I know I'm a pain in the butt, but Eitan was patient and looked into the shipping problem. After he did that I got it 2 days later. Thanks man and sorry about the troubles
Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

I also had tracking issues with my order and was given bs to keep me from complaining more. I just got my laser today 3/9/2015 and I ordered on Sunday,*February*1,*2015. I ordered a SF501B*445nm 2W*-2.4W with a red host color. It showed up today and it is black with no power certificate graph. and the Divergence sucks. And it may not even have the 405G2:mad:
Re: Sci Fi Lasers - Update

dott you dont buy 445 lasers for great divergence, and if u ordered a 2w laser im sure u got an onspec laser, did u test burn it black cd case or whatever? it should take not many seconds for u to notice, dont forget to use goggles that kind of power u dont want in your eyes. And it says on the product page what lens etc it uses all info is there.
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