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Scanning Basics + Terminology etc.

rog8811 said:
Thanks xgeek, that tells me how much delivery to the UK is. Keep us posted on what you find them to be like please :).

I have been quoted $320 delivered....If my fingers and toes are correct that is $70 delivery for one set.....Dan is this of interest to you?  If so I can go back to him and get a combined postage cost.

Regards rog8811

Rog - I'm interested in the 30k scanners, like you said he might offer discount (on postage and the product) if we bought together.

I don't want to build your hopes up too much, I REALLY REALLY want these, but I just can't afford it (yet) so TBH, it's going to be the other side of Christmas realistically before I order. Does that mess things up at your end? Or were you hoping to order around the same time? *fingers crossed* :)

There are so many things I want to go out and make (laser-wise) but I just don't have the cash :-[ (yet!). Believe me - if I had the cash it would have been built! ;D

So I've set myself a rule: The money I spend on lasers, has to be made from lasers. What I mean is, I'm going to have to do a shed load of CNC work to generate the income, to then splash out on parts for nice projects (Hex Laser, Projects etc.)
I'm going to have to save the little money I can scrape together while I'm at school, for uni fees and whatnot, which is about 10 months away :o
So I hope you will bear with me on this one!

Dan :-)

:(Dan....I have a shed load of time off this side of Christmas and was looking to use it for this project, I may have to go it alone.....unless your family want to club together to give you a real good present???????

Regards rog8811
ahhh....How soon is soon??? :P

I think this will have to be 'self funded' as my family really can't see the point in lasers nor what the attraction is. :'(
Nice idea though!

Dan :-)
xgeek said:
Buy the 12k galvo set from Laserpic for $100 including DMX ($80 per set if you get 10 others in on a GB)

Stop tempting me right now!!!!

Seriously, though, maybe we should suggest a GB? Maybe somebody open a GB thread in that section?
Do you really think we could get 10 people to order?

I think I'll wait and save for the 30k anyway....

Dan :-)
