Greettings all. I'm relatively new here and to lasers. I bought my first laser about 2-3 years ago on ebay from a member here. It was 6 watts with a voltage readout. Recently it failed and today I received it's replacement, a Sanwu Striker. I ordered the 7 watt version, but I received the 5 watt version. I contacted them immediately and I was instructed to take a picture of the diode with the lens removed so it could be determined whether the diode is 5 or 7 watts. According to the letter the 5 watt is totally different from the 7 watt. From what I've seen in my limited experience they all look pretty much the same especially 5/6/7 watt diodes. Can a visual inspection of the front plate and aperture of the diode actually determine it's power rating? I have enclosed the photo they sent me of the 7 watt diode which is supposed to be totally different from the 5 watt. Any ideas or comments please? Thank You for Your time and consideration.