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FrozenGate by Avery

Sanwu Lasers - Offical thread

Is there any way to change the operation mode from multi-operation mode to single mode on a 520nm 1000mW Striker?
If you're asking is it possible to change the internal workings probably not. If not, do what the other poster said.

The easiest way is to leave the switch in the position you want it and just click once for on, once for off. My 1W 445 Guardian with the MM switch is irritiating, but I never switch it out of 100% power, so it's not so bad.

Yeah. I thought the MM option would be cool but I found it really annoying to deal with. Would have opted for the single mode only if I knew when I first purchased my laser! All things aside, I love my 520nm though.
Yeah. I thought the MM option would be cool but I found it really annoying to deal with. Would have opted for the single mode only if I knew when I first purchased my laser! All things aside, I love my 520nm though.

Worth emailing Sanwu and asking them if they can send you a single-mode switch for it? Not sure how the Striker's set up but it might be possible?
There's currently no diode that can be put in a handheld that'll push 10W afaik - so might be waiting a little longer :)
Certainly(sorry!) to say you won't get it before christmas but here it is, the 500mw RGB handheld laser, limited pre-ordering starting now! We did not announce the pre-order on our facebook yet, we hope laserpointerforums to take a first look on this beauty!

The RGB laser is built for true laser enthusiasts out there- it's small and it takes days of aligning work and observation, several renovations just to solve one problem- so that you don't have to adjust the dichroes from time to time, the dichroes will always back to their original positions after cooling down. The unusually high defective rate is also what make us frustrated and set us back on the production of the RGB laser but it's finally here.


Hi @Podo Im super excited to order one of your new RGB lasers soon! I was trying to skim the thread and looked on the Sanwu Laser official webpage for an warranty information. I cant remember if the RGB lasers come with an warranty. If I over looked it somewhere my apologies.
Also, what is the expected duty cycle?
Hi @Podo Im super excited to order one of your new RGB lasers soon! I was trying to skim the thread and looked on the Sanwu Laser official webpage for an warranty information. I cant remember if the RGB lasers come with an warranty. If I over looked it somewhere my apologies.
Also, what is the expected duty cycle?

I think recommend duty cycle is 3 mins ON few mins OFF
Did you order it with batteries in the package? If you did there's a higher chance it'll get caught - but I'd not worry. Usually stuff stays in customs for 12-24h before it passes onto the local carrier.
Did you order it with batteries in the package? If you did there's a higher chance it'll get caught - but I'd not worry. Usually stuff stays in customs for 12-24h before it passes onto the local carrier.

Yes I ordered it with batteries. I am just worried because apparently while owning and constructing lasers of any power is legal, a laser with >5mW output power isn't allowed to be sold in germany without declaring an industrial/research need. I can just hope it's CE certified and slips through regardless.
Sanwu's lasers are not CE certified. CE is less relevant here - if EU customs inspectors disposed of every product not marked with the correct CE marking, then millions of tonnes of imported products would be thrown away at customs every year.

There's a decent chance that it'll get through - but for future reference - Never order lasers with batteries in the package. Customs inspectors have no way to prove that a laser is >5mW if they have no means to power it on!
Sanwu's lasers are not CE certified. CE is less relevant here - if EU customs inspectors disposed of every product not marked with the correct CE marking, then millions of tonnes of imported products would be thrown away at customs every year.

There's a decent chance that it'll get through - but for future reference - Never order lasers with batteries in the package. Customs inspectors have no way to prove that a laser is >5mW if they have no means to power it on!

Actually from our shipping experience, they don't even need to test the output of the laser, if they see the laser warning label on our laser pointers, they will immediate assume it's a handheld laser device with a exceeding output from their past experience dealing with this kind of items.

And to your BlueQ question, we did not ship the li-ion battery with your laser pointers, li-ion battery prompts to cause a problem in customs, usually we ship the batteries separately in the case like yours.
And to your @BlueQ question, we did not ship the li-ion battery with your laser pointers, li-ion battery prompts to cause a problem in customs, usually we ship the batteries separately in the case like yours.

Thanks for getting back to me, after Immo1282's reply I am glad the batteries are delivered separately. From your experience, are problems when shipping handheld lasers to germany usual ? Right now it is still held by customs.
Thanks for getting back to me, after Immo1282's reply I am glad the batteries are delivered separately. From your experience, are problems when shipping handheld lasers to germany usual ? Right now it is still held by customs.

Customs risk is significantly higher for laser pointers, the german customs probably recognize the shape of the 18650 style laser pointers- since hundreds if not thousands of laser pointers being imported to germany every year. We have to do the extreme by dissembling your laser pointers and seperate them into three parts to confuse the germany customs.
