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Sanwu Blue Laser - Silver Series Batteries?

I can't speak on Sanwu's glasses ( no hands on experience ) I'm guessing they should be ok because Sanwu is a company of good repute. Eagles are one of the best, higher the "od" number the better.

Back to the batteries, can only give you my personal experience with Sanwu's lasers. I have one 5 watt Silver, have always used battery magnets next the the switch/button ( put the batteries in and than add the magnets) have never had a problem. So that's all I can say, someone else might be able to add something else though??

Thanks Bob. Repped ya. +1

Oh, I would think underdriving would be totally okay. Less current, less heat, longer life.
But I see what you mean.

Under driving them is fine. It won't shorten the life of the LD, although halving the drive current wouldn't necessarily double the lifespan.
I don't have any Sanwu lasers but this subject sure comes up alot.
It seems more of a length issue of the hosts battery tubes / tail switch etc.
What am I missing that Sanwu just can't machine them shorter or longer?
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I am in the same boat as the OP and ordered the same Sanwu laser. My protected 18650's are longer than my unprotected. Maybe using two protected button tops will make the contact? Hate getting a light that batteries won't fit without modification.
Still curious to what Sanwu laser owners see in their lasers that the battery issue's can't be fixed by Sanwu itself by just making the hosts shorter or longer??
I can't be the only one?
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I've also seen this issue brought up a few times previous to this. This isn't rocket science, you'd think a proper length battery tube with a long enough spring to compensate for various battery lengths would be doable.

Edit: IMO, anything using multiple cells should always use button tops if available; use the flat tops and a magnet only if you need to.
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I've also seen this issue brought up a few times previous to this. This isn't rocket science, you'd think a proper length battery tube with a long enough spring to compensate for various battery lengths would be doable.

Edit: IMO, anything using multiple cells should always use button tops if available; use the flat tops and a magnet only if you need to.
Of what iv'e read its really the only issue of Sanwu as they sure get good raves and review's.
Just the advice of all the magnets to use kinda freaks me, never mind all the different battery's that might and not might work..
The only thing I see is they have stocked up on alot of already made hosts??
Everyone who owns one, seems to like them, and they are some good looking hosts that's for sure.

I checked the link to Sanwu in the OP's post, and from what I see, they recomend either 2 x 18650, or 2 x 18350 protected cells. Maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see any mention of using flat top cells. :thinking:
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So far I've encountered this issue in their silver series and saber style spiker series. The full-size spikers and challenger series don't seem to have this problem. Both of the lasers with this problem required me to modify the tail cap with a soldering iron to make proper contact even with long protected batteries. I refuse to use magnets to space the Li-Ion batteries.

This has actually been one of my few knocks against the quality of Sanwu products. If a product is advertised to use two 18650's, then they should fit without any additional consumer modification. Also, this issue should be very easy to fix just by making the battery tubes like 2mm shorter.
I'm using magnets that electric plasma recommended, but yeah, the challenger doesn't have the problem, only the silver series.
I've noticed the problem on the Spiker also, the two I have need magnets to work. Glad I bought 50 for a couple of bucks on eBay, solved that problem, but now I got 50 battery magnets to play with . ( rare earth magnets are really strong ) :D ~~~~~ edit, I didn't buy the ones listed as "battery magnets" searched under "rare earth magnets" and bought some a little larger than the ones they sell as "battery magnets" they seem to work real well and when they stick their stuck and won't move, even hard to remove when you want to . They were cheaper also.
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Did you get the 8mm x 3mm ones or the 6 x 3?

I'm away from the house for a couple more weeks, sorry but I don't remember, but if you go to an old post of mine "Guardian Goodness" and scroll down and look in the lamp and you'll see them stacked on the lamp if that helps. Best I can do, sorry :( ~~~~~ edit, this is just a guess but the 8mm is ringing a bell, but no promises.
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Did you get the 8mm x 3mm ones or the 6 x 3?

Just remembered I had some with me, just measured them and they come in just under 3/8's of an inch, your going to have to convert yourself. Hope this helps
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