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FrozenGate by Avery

RPL 425 Review with Power Meter Test

I posted a profile video nearly a year ago and was asked that it be removed by the manufacturer. Go figure. A precision instrument these are not but most on an enthusiast website are going to be burning things and popping balloons so it would be kind of overkill to spend tens of thousands of dollars right? :P

I just wish the things would last longer than they do. ::)

Nordhavn said:
Those graphs are not telling the full story though.  You must use a beam profiler and watch the modes while the power is fluctuating.  I guarantee you will not be happy.  But if all you care about is maximum brightness and "burning ability" then all is well I suppose.  It's kind of like those 170dB cars at dB drag competitions.  Sound quality goes out the window while all that's focused on is the ability to make loud noise.

Yep, it does some pretty insane things in the near TEM00 realm. I have a vid up somewhere, not from anything fancy like a beam profiler, but just watching the expanded spot, and you can see all sorts of funky profiles. The good thing is that they don't pass out of the near-TEM00 range except in severe cases, at which point you should return the laser for repair (you can verify this by the fact that the beam specs still stay representative of ~TEM00 operation)
