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FrozenGate by Avery

rolling along strong

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Yes but treating it like your personal dictator ship is not nice. once again i will state to keep a forum happy make the members feel free, yes you have the right but if you like what you have its a good idea to not exercise it in a manor that most would consider unfair censorship.

Or we could just respect the forum as Avery's private property. Which it in fact is.

End of story.


I was just answering the mans question with what I see.. No offense intended.
You are absolutely right.

Last time I checked, most major issues used to be discussed openly, and at one
point the members views were respected, not deleted..

It is the members that make the forum, not necessarily the other way around.
Sh1tcanning a member with 8,000 posts for something that happened elsewhere,
months ago is unsettling to me, and according to the 'grapevine' many others
feel the same.

Obviously the decision is in admins hands, but if it is a free to speak forum,
even the malcontents should have an opinion that stays written in thread.

Im just disappointed things went this way. It also seems unfairly biased...

I have read logs from laserchat which are posted on another forum where
the same ole members are openly discussing how to get member 'X' banned.

Even a mod is in that convo with some harsh words directed at LPF admin.

I just dont get the reasoning here, and again, its unsettling.

I will add no further to this, as I like LPF and being a member here.
I like to help where I can and always appreciated the help other have
given to me.

jerry deserved to be banned,anyone else in my shoes would have probably done it (he attempted talking bad about me behind my back, and lied about it)

regarding dave resigning as mod, it was unfortunate. i respectfully don't think it was proportional for him to resign b/c i overturned 1 decision that he made. however dave is still part of LPF and is the man regardless of whether hes a mod or not

. moving forward and closing thread in order to prevent negativity lol.
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