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RGB White Laser Module with TTL

THE 400 NEWGAZER is on sale down to ~$50 free$hip--(BTW lately stuff from them (newG and thood same same ) has arrived crazy fast.. so I not longer think much about how quick I will have something.

and its 520/450/638- I likey the thick slab its on.. and if one REALLY wanted to spiff it up you could take apart and send most to the anodizer.. -- not sure at all we could make these ourselves and keep it realistically below $50 - over 'there' all the parts are sourced locally- we will always be paying more-- labor is cheaper and they do not stop making new tech for $$ savings. and govt pretty much lets them ship to us for almost NOTHING-- evident when they can offer free$hip on 25C ENT ITEM..

ANYHOO we have a member here who is an expert in pricing stuff out and we will have numbers soon.
many sell that driver infact it is used on LOTS of one color mini labs as well as ther R+G=Y-R+B = Magenta an B =G + aqua 12 V mini labs
one thing tho-- it does not cost 10X as much to have 10 pcs made vs one pc. like if we could have made a part (of Alley)-- atm making copies of that part is no biggy- once all is set-up.

but it IS nice to DIY..
I have one in progress but mo mWS!!


  • s-l500 NEWGAZER 400 WHITE.jpg
    s-l500 NEWGAZER 400 WHITE.jpg
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Len, Techhood has a 500 mW RGB laser that uses a 520nm laser for green and it is under $60.00. I have the 300 mW version that I paid $46.00 for. I would have bought the new Techhood one except that I shot my wad for the month on an NDG7475. It looks like I'll get it on Friday or Saturday.
I have just received the Laserland RGB 300 mW Module. It appears that the colors are not aligned correctly as it is not a white light when all colors are on and it appears one color is off to the side.

Is there a special technique to aligning these lasers?

Those use a DPSS 532nm green with a multi-mode 445nm blue and a red. They only have the ability to rotate the dichros, so they don't align well at all. They have a new 500 mW version that uses a single mode 520nm for green. I believe they are less than $53.00. I would buy it from their website rather than eBay as it is cheaper there.
They are glued in place and once you remove that and start rotating, you can never get it just right again. There is too much slop in the cylinders that the dichros are glued to. If you look at the far field and just turn off each individual laser by using a header pin shunt on the TTL inputs you will likely see it is not that they are misaligned that badly. It is that the dot diameters are not the same sizes and you only want to try to align it if it is truly out badly.
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OK, thanks Paul, They are not out that much. As you say it is probably the different size dot diameter. I will leave it as is.

Probably. You can short the pins on the TTL inputs to turn off each laser individually. Then you can see how big each dot is and decide what you want to do from there. The green dot is much smaller than the other two. The blue is the largest one.
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