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RGB laser on ebay for 9 bucks??

/... better rush Ben seller sez he has ONLY 3 to sell ..

IMHO $103 for the 500 'white' is a good deal.
so many ways to use.
a small payoff/ payback-- Aptlighting appreciated my 'find' of their 'stolen' listing so much I am offered 5% off ( for how long who knows?? lol)
this was uber blatant -down to watermarked pics- and the '71 sold' specs== all just copypasta.
AixiZ pics get stolen all the time.

and since they are in China-- they can buy 12X30 'aixiz modules' cheaper than AixiZ can.

Ever wonder how many of those that AixiZ has sold over the years??-- you would be surprized.

JEESS, Len. I got better deals from them by emailing them outside of eBay and offering them a price. I got 50% off of some 200 mW 532nm modules by buying six. That was about 3 1/2 years ago, maybe 4.
... too true Paul.. would not really be easy to build rgb 'white' for much less..maybe a member will try to do us better.

... in completed listings I found 200mW 532 ttl w/ fan at $28 and no bids Free$hip iirc... looked but found no current listings...same with 12vdc 520 100, 150, and 150-200 mW mini lab lasers.. AixiZ has a 1W 520 for ~$290..but only TTL-- [I hope to see one working at AixiZ on visit I plan for this week..]
they have already sold some..finding a whole lot cheaper ofter means crappy cust. service and un-honored warranties..

send defective stuff back to AixiZ in Houston (happens rarely)and they ship you another--the way it SHOULD be ..imho
I've got one of those lab lasers. It does 230 mW IIRC. Has an unlimited duty cycle, too. Paid a lot more than $28.00 for it. I'm surprised you didn't bid on that as it would have been a good deal. I think I paid around $50.00 for mine.
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/... better rush Ben seller sez he has ONLY 3 to sell ..

IMHO $103 for the 500 'white' is a good deal.
so many ways to use.


Ever wonder how many of those that AixiZ has sold over the years??-- you would be surprized.

I'm not really sure if $100 would be a good deal to me. If the dichro's, mounts and base are of good quality surely, but i don't know how well-aligned these things actually are.

As for the volume of 'aixiz modules' sold: I guess it must be very large, though others produce laser modules of the same size so i'm not sure how many would really be aixiz. All these sort of similar 12mm housings look pretty much the same to me, unless they are of a different construction or material (i have some brass ones for example, came out of something from DX a few years ago).
Just checked my purchase status. It say "seller is suspended". Guess it's time to see if I can get a refund? Shouldn't be a problem. Knew it was a long shot but had to try. :)
I'm glad I didn't bite and get on the hook for this scam. If it's too good to be true......
...it usually is. ;)
As long as everyone does get their money back then no loss.
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I'm glad I didn't bite and get on the hook for this scam. If it's too good to be true......

I think everybody kinda knew it was to good to be true. But for under $10.00, what the heck. :thinking: roll the dice. :)

...it usually is. ;)
As long as everyone does get their money back then no loss.

Pretty sure everybody will be able to get their money back. It was cover under eBay's buyer protection plan. So worse case scenario, it was like loaning somebody $10.00 for a couple of months with no interest.

Not even as bad as a diode giving up the ghost. :)
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Yeah, you'll get your money back from ebay at some point, so no worries (and heck, its $9, so why would anyone worry).
Just checked my purchase status. It say "seller is suspended". Guess it's time to see if I can get a refund? Shouldn't be a problem. Knew it was a long shot but had to try. :)
Yeah... me too.
I opened a refund request yesterday and the seller
has until June 13/17 to respond (which he won't/can't
since he is "no longer registered").
I'll be able to escalate to a Claim on June 13/17 and
the refund WILL happen 24-48 hours later.

There are always the "dishonest" eh? Species on Ebay! Amazon is safer
Ebay has always been named Trucker!
And the Paypal circuit helps up to a point, then they wash their hands too!
There are always the "dishonest" eh? Species on Ebay! Amazon is safer
Ebay has always been named Trucker!
And the Paypal circuit helps up to a point, then they wash their hands too!
What does Trucker mean in your sentence :thinking:

PayPal has always been there for me as a
buyer or seller. They have not washed their
hand with my concerns.

