I don't have any sort of AC test equipment other then a couple DMM's. Not even an oscilloscope
I understand DC circuits completely but high frequency AC stuff has pretty much left me in the dust. All I know is the transistor didn't overheat because it was mounted on a huge heatsink at the time.
I've asked Chris but I have yet to get a reply, I'll send a PM to Nightstick like you said, perhaps he can help me.
My DMM has a transistor test mode for little 3 pin transistors, but the one on the board has 4 pins. Could I somehow test it that way or is it completely different...?
EDIT: I found the datasheet for the transistor in question, found the pinout. I tried it on my DMM and the Hfe was off the scale, and also caused the low battery light to come on as well (even though it isn't low and goes off when I take it away). Resistances: collector to base is 700 ohms, collector to emitter is 700 ohms, emitter to base is 21 ohms.
EDIT 2: DC Voltages: Collector to emitter 11.8V, collector to base 11.5V, base to emitter 0.2V. AC Voltages: 0 all over. Assuming that transistor is meant to amplify AC signals, having only DC voltage across it means what? Am I looking at a failed capacitor somewhere? The more I find out, the more questions I have...
Those numbers mean anything to you guys?