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FrozenGate by Avery

Review of the new 15W LPM from LPS....

Hi Jerry,
Even if a mini was designed at only 7+ range that would be plenty .And if the package was a little larger heat sinking would be greater and shouldn't effect the over all size. If i had the equipment and the ability i would jump all over this.

It MUST be a 2 part product..
1) The enclosure for the electronics and
2) the freestanding Thermopile Head.


How about if the thermopile heat sink side is hanging out the side?
Since we are using the minute differential
between the thermopile sensor's active area
and the Thermopile's Heatsink...the problem
is if you touch the heatsink or what the heatsink
is mounted to with your fingers the heat from
your fingers will skew the true readings..

Having it on the electronic enclosure may cause
the skewing when adjusting the display or any
controls on the enclosure.

Just bringing your hand close to a Thermopile
will skew the readings... whether it be on the
sensor side or the Heatsink side.

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Thanks for the detailed test and the many comments on this part. Now I have to sleep a night to think about it , because I do not really know if I have to look for a reasonable LPM or be happy with the part and instead of the new investment I should rather buy a crate of beer ...? :drunk:
Not long ago I bought one of these LPM's as a backup check against my Hyperion Ag, I've been testing both using a NUBM08 4.3W diode based laser and so far it's been holding up very well with both LPM's staying pretty close to each other.

Though time will tell if it stays that way...
It could be that he fixed some of those problems
in the Review... Can't really know without spending
and perhaps wasting more $$ on his product.

Not long ago I bought one of these LPM's as a backup check against my Hyperion Ag, I've been testing both using a NUBM08 4.3W diode based laser and so far it's been holding up very well with both LPM's staying pretty close to each other.

Though time will tell if it stays that way...

Have you tested any other lasers to see if the two coincide well over a wide range of powers and wavelengths? I don't think testing just one laser tells you much.
As can be seen with that mini LPM Videos
he seems to be trying to calibrate them at

Have you tested any other lasers to see if the two coincide well over a wide range of powers and wavelengths? I don't think testing just one laser tells you much.
My logic was if the laser power dropped off for some reason and both LPM's agreed it would most likely be the laser, But if only one LPM showed a lower output and the other still showed the same power output then it most likely would be an LPM problem.

But I am testing them both with an eBay 303 laser as well.
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So, from what you have said, I take it you are having problems with this one laser? Sounds like it is losing power over time. If so, it could be a duty cycle problem and you are just running it too long without a cooling down period.
So, from what you have said, I take it you are having problems with this one laser? Sounds like it is losing power over time. If so, it could be a duty cycle problem and you are just running it too long without a cooling down period.
No problems, So far.
My logic was if the laser power dropped off for some reason and both LPM's agreed it would most likely be the laser, But if only one LPM showed a lower output and the other still showed the same power output then it most likely would be an LPM problem.

It was this post that made me think you had an issue with one laser losing power. Your best bet for confirming the ability of the cheap LPM to stay accurate and precise is to test many different lasers of all colors and powers. That is really the only way.
Bought the gear, did some tests, recently.
Quite on the spot.

Anybody says anything, but the new batch is pretty good for getting approx. info about the powers. (+-10% is perfectly okay for me)

The list:
red dilda - test done with kinda sh@t batteries, 2EG, around 150mW - passed
dog chaser - PL520, G2, right on the spot, around 75mW - passed
SITH52 - N520 w/ SXD, 2EG, right on the spot, around 830mW - passed
SBP (skyblue punisher) - N465 w/ SXD, 3EG, right on the spot, around 4100mW - passed

So 3 wavelengths, 4 lasers, all measurements more or less correct, according to the diode, lens, driver, batt specs.
The equilibrium is reached quite fast, even in the 4W range.

Overall, I am very satisfied with the purchase. 80USD for that tiny box is a steal.
Telling that after having built my own DIY LPM previously.
Sure not a professional tool but a musthave for the low-level enthusiasts.

Ohh, and the vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhpcnozwlvY
Bought the gear, did some tests, recently.
Quite on the spot.

Anybody says anything, but the new batch is pretty good for getting approx. info about the powers. (+-10% is perfectly okay for me)

The list:
red dilda - test done with kinda sh@t batteries, 2EG, around 150mW - passed
dog chaser - PL520, G2, right on the spot, around 75mW - passed
SITH52 - N520 w/ SXD, 2EG, right on the spot, around 830mW - passed
SBP (skyblue punisher) - N465 w/ SXD, 3EG, right on the spot, around 4100mW - passed

So 3 wavelengths, 4 lasers, all measurements more or less correct, according to the diode, lens, driver, batt specs.
The equilibrium is reached quite fast, even in the 4W range.

Overall, I am very satisfied with the purchase. 80USD for that tiny box is a steal.
Telling that after having built my own DIY LPM previously.
Sure not a professional tool but a musthave for the low-level enthusiasts.

Ohh, and the vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhpcnozwlvY

Oh yes, I forgot to mention to have Sanwu 3X BE on both SITH52 and SBP :-)

It is considered bad Forum Etiquette to double
post in a short period of time.

It is easy to edit or add to any of your Posts by
using the [EDIT] button at the bottom right of
any of your posts....:beer:

In the Video I see the Dilda go to 147mW. All my
Dildas do near 200mW with fresh batteries.

Maybe have the Lasers checked against a recently
calibrated LPM just to be sure the Pocket LPM is
only off by your 10%...

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