Okay! So I did two things that ended up combining to be my salvation. I screwed the pill in about 2-3 turns more and I counter twisted the wires before hand more than I had in the past. Screwing the head in slowly, I was able to make it work.
Now for my last question, how did you go about affixing the metal clicky cover on yours? I have all that J-B Weld, but last time I tried to epoxy one on it got in the switch and destroyed it.
Scratch the top of the button and the inside of the aluminum disk (for better adhesion) , then spread a thin layer of jb weld on the disk. Keep this upside down at all times so the jb weld cant flow into the switch. Set the tail cap on top of the disk (I used strips of paper wedged around it to keep it centered). Then set that on top of something that allows the the weight of the tailcap to press the switch and disk together (I used a flashlight)
Remember to keep this upside down so the epoxy cant flow into the switch.