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Returning Banned Members

Should banned members be allowed to return?

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Maybe we ought to take a vote to have all of the reps divided by 10 to set them back to normal??

Let's not start that debate again... :undecided::undecided:

Edit: Although on second thought it would reset the inflation without actually really changing anyone's rep.
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Maybe we ought to take a vote to have all of the reps divided by 10 to set them back to normal??

Damn Chris, that's exactly what I was just thinking! :beer:

@IE and lasersbee, I couldn't agree more!
The rep is definitely getting very inflated. At this point, it only takes a few +reps from known members to send a new guy way into the green. It's starting to lose meaning.
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Make a vote to divide by 10, but that might not be as easy as said to do. Better ask if it can be, or will be done if the vote passes first.
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It is a nice idea. Everyone would be back to normal, but it won't take long to get back into the thousands again. I personally think we should leave it alone, simply as dividing by 10 is only slowing the problem. Rep inflation was always going to happen. The only way of solving it, is if a rep only had one specific value and wasn't dependent on how reps the other members had. But I must admit, I like the rep power system. My growing rep power means that I can give more meaningful rep to others.
Right now it is harder to push someone into the red, if a member with 300 points was reduced to 30, and I had 450 points, It would be easier to draw blood. That really comes off bad writing it that way, I know. However, that might make some trolls easier to rid.

I believe we now have a silent army of socks who may at some point go on the attack if their master is riled too much, right now he is just using them to re-rep against negs, but at some point I believe this shut-in will start attacking. Having so much rep makes it easy now. That is why I don't rep newbies much.
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I understand what are you are trying to do. I will give this some thought for you. :beer:
I have continued to inflate reps every day, maybe I should stop. Already out of hand now though, probably too late. I can stop and reps will still continue to grow and grow by large leaps because so many members have such high numbers now.

I have a question, didn't VG use this flaming GIF signature in the past? I've seen more than one member put it in their signature now, one I think might be him, another clearly not. Perhaps nothing, but only one member had this in their signature here for a long time. Maybe I should change my avatar to troll hunter :p Although, after awhile every new member who has had a bad day in their post responses begins to look like one.


When I posted this, I did not know the signature was an option within the forum software, I still have not seen it but haven't gone expressly looking for it either....

That gif is in with all the other smiles gifs here, it's called "lasergun"......
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Yep but you latched into it like a confortable old shoe right from the start.
Yep but you latched into it like a confortable old shoe right from the start.
Oh gees wil you give that a rest already. :horse: I try to friendly answer your question and you throw a accusation at me ? Look I'm trying here but you sure ain't making it in any way easy......
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I'd opt to divide by 20 even.

Most of us here, who have been around for a while, actually know real names, addresses, etc,. and rep is not a great concern to me, or I expect again, most of the long term crowd. Main goal should be to address the rep inflation of newer members, so as not to give the impression that they are endorsed by LPF with a huge set of green squares by their names.
I'd opt to divide by 20 even.

Most of us here, who have been around for a while, actually know real names, addresses, etc,. and rep is not a great concern to me, or I expect again, most of the long term crowd. Main goal should be to address the rep inflation of newer members, so as not to give the impression that they are endorsed by LPF with a huge set of green squares by their names.

Even if it could be adjusted so that the green squares and rep level don't show up until a higher rep level and post count, that might be an option?
Divide by 10 and then cut the rep giving power by half?
Wouldn't that slow down the rise over the course of how many members we have to spread to. Did I make sense??

Wait a sec didn't Avery say that wasn't a programing possible?
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There is actually some-kind of option in this version vbulletin, currently it's set to not show the rep number until person has at least 50 posts, or something like that.
There is actually some-kind of option in this version vbulletin, currently it's set to not show the rep number until person has at least 50 posts, or something like that.

Yeah, not sure what the number is, although the bars still show up.
Yeah, not sure what the number is, although the bars still show up.
Yeah.. Some Green bars show but the Rep Power shows [0]
until 50 posts.
Could perhaps only let Reps show after you get to be a Vet
(1000 Posts).

Not sure if it's doable. If it can be set to 50 posts it should
be a variable value.

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