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Retard Police officer shines 30mW laser in my eye.


May 27, 2008
Edit: I also forgot to mention that the person who called the police is an eye doctor.. just my luck. >:(

So I was playing around with my 30mW green, and apparently, I shined the laser "near" someone, and they said it got into their eye(It was on the ground near them, I was like 200 ft away too.)

Anyways, they called police, and when the dude showed up, he asked for my laser. He took it, shined it in my eye, and was like "Do you like how this feels?". He than gave it back and said "please don't shine this in peoples eyes anymore".

I was stunned that a police officer would shine a laser in my eye, when I had no idea that I was pointing my laser near any person at all. I didnt even get it in their eyes, they "assumed" that the laser hit their eye, but I think they just saw the big green dot and got scared(I was around 200 ft away).

My eye is fine, but my mom says she might sue the police officer. The dude just took the laser and shined directly in my eye from less than 3 ft away. I'm 15 years old by the way.

Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

Yeah I think that you should sue. I don't know why there isn't any damage though.
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

maybe you can't notice it?
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

Even if it did cause damage you probably won't notice it immediately. If you start seeing black specs or blurred areas in your vision in a couple of days you'll know.
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

Razako said:
Even if it did cause damage you probably won't notice it immediately.  If you start seeing black specs or blurred areas in your vision in a couple of days you'll know.

Its been 3 days now. God must have been watching over me. ;D
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

you should most definitely sue, or at least get this a.hole fired.
he didnt even ask questions?
an eye for an eye, right? get the laser, and shine it into HIS eyes for 3 (or more) secs.
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

That's just a testament to the utter ignorance the average person (cops included - gee, I wonder what he would have done had you had a BB gun - shot you with it and asked if you liked how it felt!?!) has about lasers....either they think a laser can cut you in half or they think it's utterly harmless, like a flashlight...people, especially those that enforce laws, really need some educating!
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

Pretty sure my eye is fine, but I don't know the police dudes name  :'(
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

They have to keep records of all the calls they go on so there will be a report filed with his name on it.
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

He'd probably deny ever shining the laser in your eye.
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

Yeah, if I was a dumbass cop I'd probably deny it too.
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

I don't know what you'd gain from a lawsuit, but this definitely should be persued further until he gets the message.

If he didn't know how dangerous that was, he needs educating - plus disciplining, for messing with something he doesn't know about. Pointing an unfamiliar thing at a kid's face, point-blank, and firing it - that is clearly irresponsible.

And if he did know what he was doing, he needs to be kicked off the force for being a sadistic s.o.b. with no respect for the people he's sworn to protect. Aiming a known dangerous device at a kid's eyes and firing it - how clear is that!?
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

iewed said:
He'd probably deny ever shining the laser in your eye.

Like 5 of my friends were there lol.

They all saw it.

@danq: you have a good point. Man I could be blind right now. Also, the person who I shined "near" the laser to, is a physcian/eye doctor. Just my luck.
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

iewed said:
He'd probably deny ever shining the laser in your eye.
that may be, but chances are good that he joked about it with his buddies "you should have seen the look on that little xxxx when I shined it back at him!"
so there may be other witnesses, though they also may just cover it up.

regardless, a complaint should be filed. If someone is many times getting off the hook on technicalities, sometimes a good administrator will notice and deal with things; but if nobody ever went through with a complaint there would not be anything to go on.
Re: Police officer shines laser in my eye.

danq said:
[quote author=iewed link=1214274953/0#11 date=1214285169]He'd probably deny ever shining the laser in your eye.
that may be, but chances are goood that he joked about it with his buddies "you should have seen the look on that little xxxx when I shined it back at him!"
so there may be other witnesses, though they also may just cover it up.

regardless, a complaint should be filed. If someone is many times getting off the hook on technicalities, sometimes a good administrator will notice and deal with things; but if nobody ever went through with a complaint there would not be anything to go on.[/quote]

I think I will head down to the police station tommorow/this week and tell them this whole story.
Re: Retard Police officer shines 30mW laser in my

The problem here, could be related to where you live.

The police officer had NO RIGHT to shine that in your eyes, and I'm sure he could get in a lot of trouble.

The problem en lies in the legality of you possessing the laser in the first place, depending on your country (usa?). Even if it is illegal for you to have the laser, it doesn't me he can just do that, but it may create a sticky situation for yourself that may end in getting your laser confiscated.
