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FrozenGate by Avery

Reputation System Discussion and Poll

What should be done with the reputation system?

  • Keep the new system

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I'd just get rid of it entirely if it were up to me. In my 9+ years on this forum it has just caused more drama and fighting than it has done good. There was not originally a rep system on this forum back in the day and things ran fine. It's not just this one event either, the mods receive countless complaints all the time about negative reps and I really do not see the system as doing enough good to justify all the drama that it causes.

With the advent Laser Pro shop and the Dispute resolution area there is also a way to quickly identify trustworthy seller and buyers without the need to look at rep. (most rep isn't about transaction feedback anyway)

At most I'd have a version of "Thanks" system that I've seen on some other forums. Were each member can give someone else's post one "Thank" and that displays on their profile as "number of times you have received thanks" so that members who post useful info or reviews will still get credit on their profile. It also highlights good posts by showing posts hat have received many "Thanks".

Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Firstly, if I haven't been on the forum as much as you have doesn't take away the right to post what I believe in and that I understand this drama quite well.

No one is questioning your "right" to post. Everyone, EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion, and to express that opinion here. The mods generally only step in when blatant fighting and insults come about.

That said, your opinion by virtue of simply existing is worth shit. Bupkis. Nada. Zilch. Apologies for the language, but I'm really tired of saying this same thing again and again lately.

To continue: You are not OWED anything. I am not owed anything. You have put forward a position and aside from politely rebutting opposing views you have done very little to put forward alternatives.

This frankly tells me you don't understand the problem, or conversely perceive a problem where to most, there is none.

Secondly, you may believe that the old system is the best way but I believe that its not the best way and its silly to say that it is.

Refer to what I said about opinions. It also doesn't help your position to call the opinions of others silly.

The new system was implemented for a reason like there was a reason

Yes, it was. Two members, (two very good members, and both well meaning imo), got into a rep fight. One more member, a troll who has come back no less than 3 times (for long periods of time) jumped in and turned it into a drama.

A knee jerk reaction resulted, and that brings us to today.

frankly, using a old system with little changes is outdated.

Old old proverb. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Therefore, me commenting saying that IE is nostalgic could apply.


I'm nostalgic about many things, the rep system is not one of them.

Thirdly, it is the OLD system because even if its been here since day one it was implemented doesn't change the fact that its old. Therefore I conclude that it is old.

:wtf: It is old, therefore it is old, so it is old. That is borderline ranting.

You may be right about the numbers being out of whack but reverting to the old system will cause problems and is better to change it now instead of changing it later.

This makes no sense whatsoever either. Pman suggest changing it back until a better option can be found. There are also problems you mention, but no explanation of what those problems are? (Except occasionally butt-hurt members or trolls who are incensed by a red square, which are unavoidable.)

All of the people who wants to revert is jumping to conclusions without caring about the long term effects. The long term effect being people are going to argue. You need to strike a balance and not go to an unbalanced system.

What long term effects? Is there a forum based server warming we should be aware of? :thinking:

People will always, always argue. That's human nature, and part of what makes this forum fun.

A balance existed, and survived close to a decade now. The system is unbalanced only in the sense that it does favor long term members, but this is true of ANY environment.

Therefore having a poll is going to be a poor judgement and should instead be the case of the mods/Avery tweaking the system and not reverted back.

This forum is certainly not a democracy, but this appeal to a greater power is silly.
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Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I liked the rep how it was before.

I would also like to point out what IE said above. Of course the rep system in the long favors the veterans, they've been here for awhile, built experienced and have gained seniority. Not that seniority means they can't be jerks sometimes and are always right, but you have to build up your reputation etc..

I for example, have built a reputation of most LPF username! :D

Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

You may be right about the numbers being out of whack but reverting to the old system will cause problems and is better to change it now instead of changing it later. All of the people who wants to revert is jumping to conclusions without caring about the long term effects. The long term effect being people are going to argue. You need to strike a balance and not go to an unbalanced system.

Therefore having a poll is going to be a poor judgement and should instead be the case of the mods/Avery tweaking the system and not reverted back.

The poll is to get an idea of what people want. The final decision may not be the popular opinion, but the decision will take it into account.

Another thing to note, is that in my experience people argue no matter what; if not about rep then about the weather or something similarly insignificant. I doubt any amount of changes to the rep system would result in a significant reduction in arguing.
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!



Think I'll just go take a nap now and let this all blow over.
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

It's a multi-vote poll. percentages are based on # of users voted, not how many votes cast.

Darn, and here I hoped the mushrooms I ate earlier were of the special variety.
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I was the first to vote get rid of it. I thought I was going to be the only one. I've seen the rep system used on other forums. It never lasted as long as it has here.
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Because I couldn't see the option I wanted, I added it, as option 5.

Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

I can, what too?
Re: Poll: Spreading the love .... NOT!!!!!

Yes, it was. Two members, (two very good members, and both well meaning imo), got into a rep fight. One more member, a troll who has come back no less than 3 times (for long periods of time) jumped in and turned it into a drama.

A knee jerk reaction resulted, and that brings us to today.

That's the problem though, this wasn't so much a knee jerk reaction to one event as it was more of the straw that broke the camel's back. The mods receive many, many complaints about rep on a consistent basis, this time it just happened to involve very high profile members so it caused a big splash.

This forum was fine before it had a rep system and I think it would be fine after one. Rep systems adds so little of value to a forum; I think we'd be better off with none at all.

I wouldn't be a magical solution to all drama of course, but it would be a step in the right direction, at very little to no loss.
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