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FrozenGate by Avery

rayfoss VS lazerer !! HELP

Mar 16, 2012
HELLO guys !!!! i just wanted to ask you all which laser web site is the best ....
i know that these web sites are not the BEST ones but i think they are pretty reliable, i probably will be buying this laser from rayfoss www.rayfoss.com

They are both essentially the same. Sometimes you get good service, sometimes you get bad service. As with all Chinese laser companies.
Will talking about me, I would buy from lazerer, as they have better looking lasers and they have somehow a "good" reputation.
Lazerer....there was a time I would have said Rayfoss....but that was two years ago, and they stopped accepting paypal as a payment method. So *scratches Rayfoss off list*

I would definitely go for Lazerer out of the two. People seem to like their lasers, and that is usually a good sign d(-_-)b

most Asian website stop taking paypal for laser pointer. Including lazerer. rayfoss accept western union only. Brought from lazerer 3 times with no problem, no experience with Rayfoss.

So lazerer +1:D
Can someone help me with this question?

My last order a week ago with Lazerer was through pay-pal, so I'm not sure why the person above said Lazerer is not accepting them anymore.

I have heard Rayfoss has stopped using paypal and only use Western Union. They do have a laser I wanted, so i made an order to see if there was any other options.

This was the email they sent me when I made my order( it came 3 days after the order)

Thanks for your order to Rayfoss.And sorry for our late update!

Regard the payment.
Since the laser you bought is over 5mw so we can not process via paypal.
Please evaluate if you could accet Western Union payment method? If so we could let you know our WU details for payment.
Then arrange shipping for you.
Looking forward to hear for you.

I am curious if this is the true reason why these companies are not accepting pay-pal...or if this is a load of crap. Anyone know? Doesn't Wicked Lasers use Pay Pal?
i believe that its a true reason.....maybe they have more regulations with customs and specifications of the items and since lasers over 5mW cant be used in the U.S legally they cant accept your order via paypal ....thats what i think....i dont know if its true or no (:
Almost, they can't be imported to the US unless they have the safety features and an accession #. Using them is legal in most respects.

Also, I'm very much against rayfoss's garbage, and I'm not really for lazerer either, however lazerer is the lesser of two evils.
i believe that its a true reason.....maybe they have more regulations with customs and specifications of the items and since lasers over 5mW cant be used in the U.S legally they cant accept your order via paypal ....thats what i think....i dont know if its true or no (:

No, that can't be the reason. I'm from Croatia and we don't have laws against importing powerful lasers, yet there's no PayPal for me, either.

They've abandoned PayPal completely, and now offer some other no name money transfer service coupled with Visa (so if you have Mastercard, you're screwed), and Western Union which you can't use online if you live outside few dedicated countries.

Idea about abandoning PayPal is the stupidest thing to do and will lower their sales' profit.
