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Radim's laser painting

That's a fascinating looking image Radim. Good job. :beer:

Thanks, Curtis.

I have more, what I've done today. Nice story behind... Will likely publish them today evening. Something is on FB already. ;) In that Surreal World of Projections... ;)

Re: Radim's laser painting and Complexity Philosophy


How advanced civilisation might look like...
Look in centre of MilkyWay's Massive blackhole inner universe just beyond the Event Horizon

#Assimov #Civilization #Advanced #SpaceTimeDatamining #Quantum #Gravity #Real #Photo #Instant #Mobile #Laserpainting.

P.S.: #ComplexityPhilosophy #art #forSale #contact #Author for #more.


Hologram detail Fern - Real Plant

#ComplexityPhilosophy #SurrealBird #Art #Laserpainting #Real #Photo #473nm #532nm #Laser #Fern #Fractal


Coral Reef
#Pattern #Laserpainting #Art #ComplexityPhilosophy #LivingArt #FengSui #Performance #Meditation #WaveFunction #Result #SurrealBird #Fishes #Hashtags #free #Associations in circle... Leave it #Now! Happy New Layer! #TaoLiim

Note: All are real Instant Laserpaintings. Real Photos, no fakes. The point is to capture real shape of the Surreal World.

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Re: Radim's laser painting & Complexity Philosophy


The Quantum Soul of the Surreal World

#Quantum #Soul #Tree #Surreal #Art #Laserpainting #RealPhoto #NoComputer #Laser #532nm #ComplexityPhilosophy #SurrealBird

Note: Test shot from my new artistic invention creative device resulting from Project A. New Techniques being developed.
Very entertaining photos. Radim. Some look like you use a diffraction grating to get a repeating effect of a singular pattern. I can't make out what you used in the first one that was done only in green. + Rep.
Very entertaining photos. Radim. Some look like you use a diffraction grating to get a repeating effect of a singular pattern. I can't make out what you used in the first one that was done only in green. + Rep.

Thanks Paul. In deed all pics are combination of various techniques I've developed. A lot of optics is used in certain way to get it. It is part of my research. Essentialy these photos are statues of shapen light. Every detail is brought to existence in precision setup.

And there is more in my pockets. They are endless, since I calculate quantum mechanics equations for certain effects. So, pretty new techniques can be invented. Every day with laser in hand is new adventure in Feynman's Surreal World for me. ;)
One year ago, now it is open...


The Portal

How do I see the way into surreal world? The essence of reality is interaction, the collapse of in quantum mechanics so called wave function. When particle is not observed/measured - therefore no interaction occurs, it remains in the surreal world solely. Do you remember Schrödinger's cat? This is exactly how all my artworks are done. I step out of the reality and move into surreal world, where I'm not observed. The only measuring device is camera where reality is captured on the sensor to be observed by viewer later. I therefore seemingly break this, but still that is real photo just capturing light coming through camera lens and hitting sensor. Therefore only history of events not observed by anyone. What happens there remains there untill measured. However still my body moves in reality (as perceived by particles), I breath, my heart beats, but my mind is not there, it travels through the portal to observe the surreal world by not observing it in deed. I feel the vibrations, I meet the souls of trees and entire forest there and time and space just vanish in infinity. In these moments art is created and you can see what I saw there. The artwork is the result of measurment of my thoughts and mindset - like openning the box with Schrödinger's cat.
Take a tour release your mind from usual perception of this world and open the door, once you do it, the door cannot be closed again. But be carefull do not forget your body is still there in real world with all its biological needs and do not go too deep to loose your way back to it. The surreal world is infinitely deep labyrinth and no Ariadne's thread is long enough to go through it all without loosing the way back. A little visit of surreal world is just enough to understand the reality is only an illusion and uniquely perceived by you. It's your own reality only. And this is the main meaning of this artwork.

Real laserpainting photo, absolutely no computer graphics.

If you are interested in lasers or stories behind the scenes of my laserpaintings feel free to visit www.LaserPointerForums.com (for stories search for my thread there or you can find link in this album description).

#405nm #473nm #520nm #532nm #589nm #635nm #laser #abstract #laserpainting #lightpainting #nightphotography #art #contemporaryart #lightart #creative #laserpointerforums
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I see you are now using more objects in your laser art of forests. The globe is a nice touch. :thanks:
I see you are now using more objects in your laser art of forests. The globe is a nice touch. :thanks:
Yeah, I have no fear from any object. :D BTW this one is one year old photo. It has been published here, but from some reason it dissapeared from thread, so I posted it again to celebrate one year of this artwork. ;)
Well, if you keep it up, just think what you'll be doing in ten years. :eek:

I have no clue Paul, but it will be definitely awesome. Look, I'm developing some special device in my Project A (since beginning). It is more suitable for lab, than outside, so I'm improving it to take part of it outside as well. This machine works great and is awesome source of knowledge. ;) Just short info... It occupies entire my lab room so far. Now I've told you a lot...
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Most successful artists continue to push the envelope and try to create things that others have not seen before. I hope this is what you decide to do. The art speaks for itself. There is no need to explain it or give it meaning, as good art is appreciated on its own. It is best to leave meaning up to the people who appreciate it as it can mean something different to many people.
Most successful artists continue to push the envelope and try to create things that others have not seen before. I hope this is what you decide to do. The art speaks for itself. There is no need to explain it or give it meaning, as good art is appreciated on its own. It is best to leave meaning up to the people who appreciate it as it can mean something different to many people.

Exactly Paul, that is exactly the reason I started with TaoLiim. It is a new kind of scientific-philosophical art book. You fill it part by part by your own meanings along to artist's meanings and you communicate with the artwork. The book is the artwork itself. ;)

You may tear it, write in it, educate yourself, share it, play game with it... It is all in one book, but I said the first word by art. The book is in motion, it has its own soul of those carrying it and using it. The book has its own Tao (journey).

My next TaoLiim is almost finished. Just a few reminding parts need to be written. You can expect Answer on the Hologram Question. Well, a bit of it. It is more complex than you think. There is quite a few formulas and entire mathematic apparatus introduced to present it as proper theory.

I need some peers to review it as it is essentially an scientific article. So I've selected to go public via FB and here and present my thoughts here. Never tried to publish anything except my art, so I do my best hoping for someone more educated to notice me and allow me to move forward. This strategy works perfect so far, my audience on FB grows organically quite fast.

TaoLiim v3.0.0 is in Progress
Topic: Probability and Statistics

#SurrealBird #ComplexityPhilosophy #LaserPointerForums #Reputation #Money #Theory #Story #Quantum #SurrealWorld #Holography #Composition #Cypher
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