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PS3 or 360?

Jun 7, 2007
Which do you like more? for what reasons?
or do you like the Wii the most?

i like the PS3 for its multiple processors and amazing power. Also the Fact that it has 1080p, and 360 only has 720p. lol, but Wii only has 480p, that's VGA graphics, 640x480.

I don't look at these things in terms of numbers and how good graphics they have, I look at it for fun factor, price and range of games available.
wii ftw
VillageIdiot said:
I don't look at these things in terms of numbers and how good graphics they have, I look at it for fun factor, price and range of games available.
wii ftw
well ill have to admit nintendo is fun, but SO EXPENSIVE. seriously.
and one thing i hate is they keep brining back their old games and charging it as if its a new game, and people buy it, people fall for it. HOW MANY TIMES DO THEY NEED TO KEEP PORTING METAL SLUG??
my phone plays metal slug! (the real arcade version, i have the Finalburn/Mame emulator allowing me to play just about any arcade game you can imagine, not just crappy ones but very good graphic ones)
PS3's are wayyyy overpriced for what they are. I'd wait for them to come down in price abit. 360's are pretty sweet, and have HD output.
PC for teh win!!! :D IMO , the MOUSE is the best game controler of all time. :D
I dont know what your talking about the 360 has tons of games that play in 1080p.
Switch said:
PC for teh win!!! :D IMO , the MOUSE is the best game controler of all time. :D

wii in consoles...never played with ps3, 360 or wii, but i think wii is the most innovative...

although...PC is the best, nothing is gonna beat its graphics, EVAR..


MERC said:
I dont know what your talking about the 360 has tons of games that play in 1080p.
thats impossible...the 360 only supports up to 720p..
Go to google and look again you are wrong, If you reaserched it you whould have found hundreds of articles on the topic.
hm, i guess your right.
so now it looks like the PS3's advantages are bluray disks, and its CPU power.
Nikokapo, I think that's a "wireless hamster" you got there. :P

I vote 360 because that’s what I got and I love Halo 3 and Forza 2. I love playing on Xbox live, with the head set and I love the wireless controllers. I don’t about the rest since I haven’t played them at all.
it all depends on what you want. 360 is a more fun system but ps3 blows 306 graphics out of the water. ps3's have a printer manager, fully functional web browser, the ability to install another os like linux, the ability to upgrade the hdd w/o getting banned and alot more. ive got 2 360's and a ps3 so ive compared the 2....if you like kid based games like mario then choose a wii b/c wii cant compete with the graphics from the 360 much less a ps3 ;)

mikeeey said:
Which do you like more? for what reasons?
or do you like the Wii the most?

i like the PS3 for its multiple processors and amazing power. Also the Fact that it has 1080p, and 360 only has 720p. lol, but Wii only has 480p, that's VGA graphics, 640x480.
360 does have 1080i output(mines hooked up thru hdmi) check the system blade for the screen setings and u will find it.

mikeeey said:
hm, i guess your right.
so now it looks like the PS3's advantages are bluray disks, and its CPU power.

it has more advantages than that. check above.

Things said:
PS3's are wayyyy overpriced for what they are. I'd wait for them to come down in price abit. 360's are pretty sweet, and have HD output.

ps3 was way before its time just like every sony console has been. its not over priced. almost everything is built into a ps3 already. add up all the accessories you need for a 360 and the price will be the same for a ps3. like some1 else said please do the research before assuming something. ps3s come with hdmi output(mines a 60gb).
The only things that ps3's have better than 360's are the BR player, free online and CPU speed IMO. I have to admit though, im not really keen on the Blu-ray thing, considering EVERYING will cost alot more for Blu-ray. Honestly i think its some companies way to stop people from "copying" DVD's, since not many people will have a BR burner drive in their computer. And i doubt everyone is gonna buy a Blu-ray player. Just hope that they dont change all the DVDs to blu-ray and expect you to pay $300 for a player.
