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PS3 or 360?

Things said:
The only things that ps3's have better than 360's are the BR player, free online and CPU speed IMO. I have to admit though, im not really keen on the Blu-ray thing, considering EVERYING will cost alot more for Blu-ray. Honestly i think its some companies way to stop people from "copying" DVD's, since not many people will have a BR burner drive in their computer. And i doubt everyone is gonna buy a Blu-ray player. Just hope that they dont change all the DVDs to blu-ray and expect you to pay $300 for a player.
you know before i had a ps3 thats what everyone was saying, that hte blu ray games would cost more, but now wherever i go, the ps3 and 360 prices are exactly the same new. $60. ive never seen a new ps3 and 360 game of different prices, unless it's at a pawn shop or something.
the new firmware for the ps3(2.20 i think) will allow a user to copy a br disc to a psp for playback


also no1 has even mentioned the psps conectivity to the ps3 yet. things like remote play and ps3 also has folding at home. if you dont know what it is use google.
ive seen my dad do remote desktop with the psp and ps3. its extremely smoothe and its the real thing, of corse he didnt try games, i imagine they wouldnt work.

ive heard with some racing game for pc3 (i forgot which one), you can have your psp display the rear view mirror as you play on your tv, kinda pointless, but kinda cool i guess.
Ace82 said:
Nikokapo, I think that's a "wireless hamster" you got there.   :P

yeah i know hehe, the creator of the image said the same..but he just wrote mouse :P
The Wii is the only thing I got (besides the N64 ;D ) so I can't really compare to anything. The only thing I play on the Wii is Guitar Hero though.
styropyro said:
The Wii is the only thing I got (besides the N64 ;D ) so I can't really compare to anything. The only thing I play on the Wii is Guitar Hero though.
i heard the wii's guitar hero is the worst of all counsils, cuz the music is mono?
mikeeey said:
[quote author=styropyro link=1206238711/15#21 date=1206661408]The Wii is the only thing I got (besides the N64 ;D ) so I can't really compare to anything. The only thing I play on the Wii is Guitar Hero though.
i heard the wii's guitar hero is the worst of all counsils, cuz the music is mono?[/quote]
I'm a gametard when it comes to gaming systems, basically if it is fun, I play it. I think it's fun, and I don't know if it is better on other gaming systems cause I've only played it on the Wii.
Personally I'd like a 360 but I own a Wii which in the end is probably better,
this way my mother can play it and enjoy it too.
I got a 360 and got the guy next door to chip it for me. ;)
I couldn't be trusted with a PS3. The bluray diode would probably go missing. :P
Heidi said:
I got a 360 and got the guy next door to chip it for me.  ;)
I couldn't be trusted with a PS3. The bluray diode would probably go missing.  :P
haha. now go buy yourself the Xbox 360 HD DVD drive, make it go missing too.
mikeeey said:
[quote author=Heidi link=1206238711/15#25 date=1209921937]I got a 360 and got the guy next door to chip it for me.  ;)
I couldn't be trusted with a PS3. The bluray diode would probably go missing.  :P
haha. now go buy yourself the Xbox 360 HD DVD drive, make it go missing too.[/quote]

Already been on ebay today and got the important bits from a ps3 for £30.
2 Pioneer 115d dvd writers
enough bits from Maplin to build 7 laser diode drivers,
and a new dress for next weekend's party. :-*
Got my uncle to make me heatsinks and adjustable mounts for modules and optical parts.
Made a case for a twin burner and power supply.
And a powder coating company to do everything in a nice blue next week.

Priceless lol.

For everything else there's Mastercard and a huge bill next month + interest. ;D
I have a Wii and a 360 and I have to say I've put a lot more hours down on the Wii. The only game I ever really like on 360 was Forza anyway (FPS is PC territory) Wii has Super Smash Bros, WiiSports and Mario Kart, all games you can have fun with friends on. On the flipside, I played MotorStorm on the PS3 in JB HIFI couple weeks ago. It was fun for literally 30 seconds. :-/ I was really blown away by the graphics though, but, erm, who cares. Niko's 7 Gaming Commandments thread is proof.
I have to say I haven't played any of them. But I'll go with 360 for the 803T sled ::)
