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Projectors - What happened to them?

I haven't messed with mine in awhile but has anyone tried QS with windows 10 yet?

David just an FYI you should remove the images when you do a quote. Helps save some space on the thread ;)

You are right of course. I was surprised all the photos showed up for a one sentence reply. Will do so in ty future. Just deleted it. My bad.
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@ Gozert

I used to attach a little blocking plate in front of the projector's output hole so that it could not send a beam to my seated position, that way I could play with the software on my laptop while it was running and not worry about getting hit.

Beams always look the brightest coming towards you, something about the way relight scattering works.
I personally like to be on the receiving end with a bit of fog holding a blacked out 3x5 card on a stick out in font of me to block my eyes.

I believe all Pangolin software allows the configuration of "zones." For my beam shows, I have a small center of the projection area automatically reduced to <10% brightness, for example.

Did you have a particular reason for building it inside a PC case back then other than looks?

PC cases are cheap, they have fans/fan grills already installed, and are of course they're designed to house an ATX power supply (free 12V and 5V for the lasers)

How safe is it to view the beams from a distance?

It's a lot safer than a pointer of equal power, actually. The power is distributed over a wide area. You still don't want to look into the beams, however. I have it software-configured to basically "blank" where I am viewing it from, or where the camera will sit.
Its funny you made this thread as I have been pondering this subject for many weeks now. I think as a newbie I can answer your question partially. It's intimidating as all hell. I think its hard for many knowledgeable vets to understand that this stuff is puzzling to some. I grew up an artist and that's what pays my bills. I never took shop classes, or machined anything. Although now I wish I had because to me now its incredibly interesting. So I have and can assemble a laser. Although for me this was a big accomplishment, whoopty doo. I am no different from a riveter plugging rivets into an air frame trying to understand the engineering behind aerodynamics. But.... I am a really interested and curious riveter.

So, enter NWLEM this month. I have never been to one of these but can imagine how great a weekend this will be. I plan on having a nice pocket full of cash to get my start into RGB projectors.
So, enter NWLEM this month. I have never been to one of these but can imagine how great a weekend this will be. I plan on having a nice pocket full of cash to get my start into RGB projectors.

You'll love the LEM, they are all a great experience. It's nice to put faces to names and see what some real professional kit/skill can do in the process.
Wow, I love this post . Which kind of this laser?
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+7 fo the OP and great pics-vids--

about being 'in the beams' 300Evil and Platinum came to Houton on biz- brought two 3+ W RGBs and did a free show for my friends in a heavy fogged warehouse--

this should NOT be tried at home OR by anyone not sure about safety---

First from QS 'Cones' drag into work space and save- make largest angel and place chairs in the center of the cone- w/ all off people sit (3 or 4) in the center with eyes closed/blocked- the cones begin and when the operator is sure- they can watch-take pics BUT not get up-- (no drunks!!)

in Quick Efx you can have QS step thru many colors- automatically----
this should be done with the RGB powers dialed down --just enough for good efx--

you can mount your camera and get good vids/pics with nobody in the cone- a good way to practice w/o dangering friends--

fog is best when NOT dispersed-for this & Liquid sky -- turn off all air movers- aim fog at beam-
better than drugs--

PM me if anyone wants in a PJ Group Buy
I'd like to do some sort of RGB project, and I think a projector would be pretty awesome. Is there any diy threads on what would be needed to build and setup something like this? I tried searching a bit, but couldn't find anything that gave me a good idea on what it'd take skill and cost wise.
