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Price drop on 6x diodes and sleds

Hey Morgan, do you happen to have any PHR sleds?

BTW, I'm in the good ol' U.S. of A and was in the military for a while. That was the most common date format we used, day/month/year :beer:
Well thank you Kevlar, reason has prevailed! :D Just kidding Mo!

I don't have complete sleds but I do have diodes. I might be able to find you an empty sled and add the diodes back in if you require the whole lot. Does that help? (Seems strange writing that I'd be prepared to reinstall diodes to a sled! Never thought I see myself write that!) Is it optics and stuff you're after too?

You may be lucky and I might find a whole one still knocking about but I don't want to promise that until I've had a dig.

Thanks Morgan.

I'm in the process of making a 4-motor spyro but my mind is going a hundred miles per hour and I was going to write the long, babbling post explaining what I want to do with it but you all would think I'm just nuts soooooooo, in the end I guess I just need the diode :D
Yes, I have diodes!

$12 plus shipping and PP fees.

I'd be interested to read more on your project. Only when you have applied the brain brakes a little though! 100mph is a little swift for me! :D

PM me some details if this is good for you.

