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Powering up full 24x diode brick from projector!!

Jun 13, 2007
Over the course of a year or so I've accumulated 4 broken C@$!0 projectors and have subsequently pulled 4 diode banks from them. In this video my buddy and I fire up one and burn the $hit out of stuff sitting around. :D The plan is to put all 4 on a laser gun for nearly 200W (before optics) of output. In the final design we have the diodes running at 1.8A each. It would be nice if we could use the lasers to efficiently pump some other medium for nicer output, but even with a crappy beam, 200W will still be insane.


For all the people that I've been in intermittent contact with...sorry for the delays. I've been doing a lot of traveling and I'm trying to fulfill my final bullsh*t requirements from my university so I can graduate. You'll be seeing a lot of me this summer though!! I have accumulated some CRAZY stuff recently, and have big plans for big lasers. Plus after a decade in this hobby, I can finally understand enough of the laser physics to create some new stuff. :D
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I keep talking myself out of buying a block or two and doing things more precisely, but this is not helping me, now I want to go the brute force direction again. :D
Wow, Styro, good luck on that 200W laser gun. What kind of goggles do you need for this array? I would imagine OD7+.
Styro, I'll take a block of those instead:D
Nice power supply to run all that. What is the one rated for that you are going to use to run all of them at the same time? Is your friend actually into them also or is he just helping you out? We could use some more members.
styro the pyromaniac.....

Hey styro since you know enough about laser can you build me an anti matter positron beam? if you can i have a couple of millions waiting for you..... oh and did i mention 3 nobel prize of Physcic, Chemistry and Math will tag a long as well?:D
That reminds me.
This postal delivery guy started noticing that everytime he went past this one particular farmers house the farmer was always standing in his field doing nothing. Day after day he would see him out there until one day he just had to know what he was doing.
He gets out of his truck and walks all the way out to the farmer and says "everyday for the psst month I've been dropping off your mail and seeing you out here in this field just standing there. What in the world are you doing?"
The farmer says "haven't you heard about the Nobel prize sonny? The winner gets a million bucks!"
The postal guy says "sure I've heard of it, so what?"
The farmer says"well then you would know it's awarded to someone outstanding in his field!"

Hardy Har har...

Which reminds me of another joke:

Why did 1/2 a chicken cross the road? To get to his other side!

OK, going home before I'm thrown out.
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Styro, I'll take a block of those instead:D
Nice power supply to run all that. What is the one rated for that you are going to use to run all of them at the same time? Is your friend actually into them also or is he just helping you out? We could use some more members.
My friend hasn't done that much with lasers but he has a good understanding of how they work and he is very experienced with electronics. He is finishing his schooling to be an airplane mechanic and is very good with tools. Not sure if he will end up on LPF though. :D

What kind of power supply would be needed for a portable 200W?
LOTS of LiPos and LM338s. The linear regulators aren't too inefficient in the setup actually, although buck drivers would do better.
