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FrozenGate by Avery

Pot mod worked great!

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you know what? FUCK YOU BOTH OK? i dont think im an expert,i never said that,actually i took a cheap ass radio shack laser and messed around with it, and at what point did i ask either one of you faggots your opinion about my pot mod? why is it such a big deal to you that you want to try and embaress me or make me feel like an asshole for doing it? im just trying to get some info about goggles,and share an experience i had personally with pot modding, where do you see me recomending it? i was merly stating my opinion about it being awsome. fuck off LOSERS

Because in your first thread you basically said that we were wrong
about our recommendations against pot modding...

That is the response of a frustrated immature snot nosed child with
little hurt feelings and will not be tolerated on the Forum as you have
seen by your Rep Points...

A little time spent reading on the Forum would have given you a
heads-up about this issue...

Okay, Little Isaac, you're gone. This is ridiculous. Flush that language down the sewer were it belongs.
You know..... before we had a Mod... this would have gone on the
rest of the day...
I must say I like the speed with which Simon takes care of things
like this... :gj:

Sorry bout that guys, no idea who that was or what his problem was, but he is now permabanned. I must say though, I don't think I have EVER seen that much 'verbal diarrhea' from one person on this forum before. His IP didn't match any of the one's I have on record for 'LPF's notorious' so I guess it was just some random troll, or someone using a proxy. lol
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