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FrozenGate by Avery

Post your random pics!

It has been awhile since I had to board a plane, but I never remember seeing people wearing flipflops in any airport I've been in. With the cost of tickets, you'd think they could afford a proper pair of shoes. Maybe it's a cultural thing. :crackup:

Air travel several decades ago used to be an exclusive thing, now it's everyday common.
Was visiting UK ground today in Gibraltar..
Few shots taken with phone, didn't want to take DSLR camera with me,
because Gib monkeys are cheeky thiefs.. :p

HI-RES via click

Great photos of Gibraltar, Tero. I especially like the panoramic view. I have heard that about the monkeys. Anything that can be carried away will be if you are not on your guard. It is better not to bring something of great value than to try to fight a monkey over it.
Qatar International - on the way to Kuwait now.

Chris, is your job moving to Kuwait, or is this just a side trip?

@AD, nice camera phone pics, I think that monkey in pic #2 is giving you the evil eye. :crackup:
Love those shots at Gibraltar Tero.
That first one cracks me up.
The "Steve Austin" monkey.

Nice drill press. I have no need for a dinning room or kitchen table either. I have my bench as a work space, but I think I'll need a drill press like yours to be able to drill and tap for set screws.
Looks good Chris, that's my kind of kitchen table. :beer:
That's a pretty solid looking drill press for $65, it seems to have a nice heavy base.

I see that there's even a fire extinguisher on the wall in case you get carried away with those high power lasers and set something on fire. :yh:
That little drill press was 65 dollars with free shipping on Amazon, the chuck is solid, no wiggle on mine, but it's a low torque unit, but not stopping my bits into aluminum or copper, max drill bit size 6 mm.

That's not bad. I recently signed up for Prime again on a 30 day trial. I have a meter I ordered yesterday that is scheduled for delivery today. If it shows up that will be fast. I have to opt out of Prime next month or it will charge me $120 for having it. It's not worth that, IMO. I'll remember as I put it on my laptop and phone to cancel it. I decided to try it out again after Rich said he does it over and over again.
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Lunch didn't look too appealing and was expensive, so it was cheaper to buy a few boomerangs and go get our own lunch from the bush.





Wanna change Dropbear poo to finnish reindeer poo?


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Is the Reindeer crap the real deal? Why would anyone want that? Besides putting it in a paper bag and setting it on fire on someone's front porch, what could you do with it?
Is the Reindeer crap the real deal? Why would anyone want that? Besides putting it in a paper bag and setting it on fire on someone's front porch, what could you do with it?

No, it's a candy which look like reindeer poo.. Don't ask me why.. :crackup:
No, it's a candy which look like reindeer poo.. Don't ask me why.. :crackup:

That's a relief. I still don't get the attraction. They look disgusting to me and I can't imagine putting one in my mouth. I can see prepubescent boys getting a kick out of this, however. I guess we all went through a phase as kids when the more disgusting a thing was the better we liked it. :tinfoil:
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