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FrozenGate by Avery

pointer messed up

eh it dont matter didnt think it could be fixed but eh atleast you tried to help which matters i guess lol well thanx have a nice night or day lata
Your focus assembly is probably too tight or loose. Are the threads okay or are they loose? Does your focus ring wobble? If you look down the aperture can you see any way to unscrew the focus lens? It may just be your focus knob is not contacting the lens assembly. You can try shaking the laser (do not do this vigorously!) And see if the dot gets bigger or smaller. If so thqtvwould indicate a loose lens. If not you may have it in too far or it may be missing all together.
Take the silver cap off, there will be the module inside. The cap is glued on. You will need to hold the cap in a vice, and grab the other end with pliers (wrap the jaws in a towel so you don't damage the laser)

There is a lens inside, use a large flat-head screwdriver on the two notches to turn the lens. Then glue the cap back on.
alright ill try that stuff an ill get back to you on it i cant do the vice thing atm cause im at the beach so yeah ill let ya know when i get home
@jeffreythe00 i tried what you said everything is fine an i shock it around a little an it dont change but it was fine befor an it was always in my pocket shakeing around so i dont think thatd be the problem unless it just came lose but it didnt work ill just have to take the cap off an let you guys know then an see if you can help me but im going to bed so night have a good day or night
The problem IS the lens. However I needed to be sure the lens wasn't loose (which you confirmed). So that means you can fix it. Its not hard. Just a bit of a pain. I managed to fix about 3 pen lasers like yours with similar issues. The hardest part will be getting that silver cap off. If you can get it off then the rest is butter.

Once you DO get it off you should see a lens. Do as ARGlaser said and twist it counter clockwise maybe 2 turns. Put your batteries back in and see if the dot improved or worsened. If it got bigger turn it 4 turns in the opposite direction. Keeping in mind to be VERY gentle and NOT to scratch that lens which is only plastic!

After you get your lens back to where it belongs you can hot glue it back in place. The reason I suggest hot glue is if you make a mistake... it shouldn't be hard to fix. Just be SURE to not get any on the lens.

You don't have to glue the lens back but if you don't you MAY have the same trouble

Afterwards put the unit back together and have fun.
