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FrozenGate by Avery

Please can a member help me

Jul 6, 2013
Hi fellow members i have a charger from a chinese laser order and i dont think it works,
I'v tried to charge my 18650 battery for upto 15 hours with no luck,
The RED light just seems to stay on forever and NEVER turns green,
I have posted a picture of my charger in a previous post.

PLEASE can a fellow member help me out and if you have a spare would be kind enough to send it to me i will pay the P&P if needed

Thank You John

I don't want to dig through your posts to find a picture of a charger... find it and repost it here...

What kind of 18650 is it?

Check the voltage of the battery. 3.7-4.2V range is what you are looking for.

It could be a bad battery, and it could be a bad charger. There's not enough to get anywhere yet.
I saw someone with a similar problem. Test the polarities of the charger and battery. however biddy may be correct, buy some trustfire 18650s
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Maybe grab another cheap charger and test the batteries?

Trustfire batteries have never let me down... yet.
Sounds like it could be the protection circuits, but first check the voltage off of the charger, make sure they didn't accidentally put the sticker upside down. If it is not that, then I would try to connect the positive leads of both batteries to each other, and the negative leads to each other for like 5-10 seconds. Sounds stupid but I have fixed 1 or 2 batteries in the past with this (was showing 0V, then showed 3.7 again after). If that doesn't work, your last resort may be to cut off the protection circuit.

Edit: Also, buy some better quality 18650s to save yourself the headache next time around :)
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I cut the protection circuit on a battery I bought that went into permanent protection mode, and accidentally caused a short. Holy shit did that burn a strip down my thumb. So be careful with taking those batteries apart!
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