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FrozenGate by Avery

PL450B C6 Weak Output Problem

I would start by testing the driver on a test load to make sure it is giving the correct current. These diodes are pretty tolerable to over current but I have seen some round drivers short on the pill wall due to components being too close to the edges. Are you using an actual laser driver or a LED driver? Also I agree with PED when I say that picture is a bit scary. The electrical tape is not the best solution but would work in a pinch the main question I have there is with those connections. Are they soldered or are they just twist tied together?

Every diode I ship has been fully tested so either we are looking at the diode being underdriven maybe by bad cells or driver. Or worst case the diode has been damaged by a surge/spike and it is now LED.:(

I think the driver may have shorted with some of its components being too close to the pill. The driver is one from survivallasers and the wires were both twisted then soldered together.
$50? Not much option for that price. You can get a 0-15v 0-2A chinese bench ps form ebay but it will be crap. You need something decent because laser diodes are very sensitive. You are looking at over $100 for a decent ps or you could build one yourself.

I'm building one myself but I'm still waiting for the parts to arrive.

I would be into building my own... Is there a tutorial somewhere? (online)

Thanks Zeebit!
