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Pioneer 12X Blu-Ray-- BDR-205

You do realize that you could buy one of these and do it yourself, right?

So far, I have $500 and about four hours effort invested into this. How about you? Corret me if I am wrong, but I don't remember getting a check from you lately. So far all I have gotten from you is the demonstrated ability to question my veracity.

Yeah. I'm a bit churlish. I've been inundated by inquiries and research requests to deal with all of this Tyler crap.

If you want to be part of the experiment, buy some stuff and become part of it. If you want others to do the work for you, you wait.


Gee Dave... when I first read it.. I though I posted this...:crackup::crackup:

You need to take some quality time off... the Tyler thing is settled..
as far as him selling any more crap on the Forum...

It's been proven that stressing out toooooo much is not healthy..;)


Gee Dave... when I first read it.. I though I posted this...:crackup::crackup:
You need to take some quality time off... the Tyler thing is settled..
as far as him selling any more crap on the Forum...
It's been proven that stressing out toooooo much is not healthy..;)

I took the time last night to delete all the damnable PM's.

I spent part of the afternoon sitting and talking with Glenn.

I played with argon lasers last night .

I'm finishing up some remote interfaces for my Specta-Physics PSU's.

I have a couple of drivers here that I need to set for DeiselMarine.

I'm geting back into the groove.

Wow, Dave, it looks I've lost this thread..... sorry.:yabbem:
Herebelow is the comparison plot with your BDR-203....

No problem. You came back just in time to see the next one.

I FINALLY got to looking at my second 12X. Same set-up as before. Here are the numbers for someone with graphing skills to convert.

mA -- mW -- VF
60 51 4.02
100 111 4.46
150 188 4.88
200 267 5.20
250 336 5.42
300 412 5.59
350 480 5.73

IgorT and some others were interested in the lth. I cut the "set" on my Rkcstr driver to get the current down to 30mA. I tested this one and my first one as well. When I turned on the power at 30mA, there was light. Here are the low numbers, Both of my 12X diodes had the same numbers in this low power test

mA -- mW
30 5
35 11
40 18
45 25
50 33
55 39

My hand drawn graph shows this second 12X to follow virtually the same slope, but at a slightly lower efficiency. Hopefully, you (or someone else) can combine these and we can compare them to the 8X's

It looks an awfully lot like an 8X on my paper graphs

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Dave, your VF appears to be hanging out comfortably beneath 6V. Thats a good sign. The fist 203s tested wanted to exceed 6V at 350mA.

But you could simply have another very efficient hand-picked 8X...
Dave, your VF appears to be hanging out comfortably beneath 6V. Thats a good sign. The fist 203s tested wanted to exceed 6V at 350mA.

But you could simply have another very efficient hand-picked 8X...

FrancoRob is going to graph the numbers and combine them with the 8X graphs we have. We should have a better idea whether these fall into the same range as the 8X's.

The only question left then is what PBD brought up. Maybe they "improved" the facets.

The other question is about the vibration dampening system. Somebody was interested in looking at that system. If that person is still reading, I have a 203 and a 205 drive now, intact except for the diodes. You can harvest these diodes easily without removing the sled from the drive.

If that person does not respond soon, I'm going to harvest the "bits and bob's" out of them to send to FlamingPyro

Ok, here is the total comparison of all 8x and 12x actually I have recorded. All lasers have used 405-G-1 lenses with the exception of Larry, who used his special lens, which is the same of those used by Jay but fitted in a different nut.


Sorry for the plot size. For a more accurate reading, I suggest to copy the plot on your PC and enlarge it as required...
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Ok, here is the total comparison of all 8x and 12x actually I have recorded. All lasers have used 405-G-1 lenses with the exception of Larry, who used his special lens, which is the same of those used by Jay but fitted in a different nut.

Need higher resolution. I cannot tell the color differences. You can PM them to me if you want.

After having seen the small size of the plot, I prefer to load one plot per answer. This is the Po plot. (Updated 2009-11-09)

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I'm sure IgorT will eventually chime in here, but to me it looks like the two 12X's are just one "good" 8X and one "normal" 8X

If that ends up being the case, I've got PLENTY of 8X's now ;)

Thank you so much for doing this, FrancoRob

I'm sure IgorT will eventually chime in here, but to me it looks like the two 12X's are just one "good" 8X and one "normal" 8X

If that ends up being the case, I've got PLENTY of 8X's now ;)

Thank you so much for doing this, FrancoRob


that's too bad, but thank you for being the first to find this out, I'm sure you saved a number of members some good money with these results. I'll try to throw you a bit for your help with these, as I almost bought one of these drives myself.
Seems the data is consitent enough to declare that this is the same diode as the 8X drives...

Daguin, how much would you sell one of these diodes for?
