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Perhaps a unique requirement that's had me puzzled for days - rescue lasers!


New member
Aug 9, 2023
Having been going around in circles for days, I felt it wise to turn to the lovely people in this wonderful forum for some pointers. Loved the LPF 'culture' and 'etiquette' stickies but my head is spinning after much searching and digesting endeavours.

To keep things short, I'm desperately looking for an off-the-shelf 'rescue' laser for my small boat. This will never be used apart from a once-in-a-lifetime emergency, to project across to other vessels/rescue aircraft for attention.

In no particular order, it would be ideal if it were waterproof or had the highest possible IP rating as would suck if it didn't work due to moisture ingress the one time it was needed.

Due to the curvature of the earth, it would only really need to reach ~3 miles/ 5 km.

An SOS flash sequence feature would be lovely so I don't have to do that manually.

Would definitely favour a more compact form factor if possible.

Not a fan of internal batteries as I like to replace them.

I've been looking at green lasers for maximum visibility if it's not a particularly dark day and I like the idea of the beam being visible for maximum attention. I believe DPSS lasers are generally recommended but am fuzzy on the implications of colder climates.

No real budget but would make sense not to go too crazy considering it will likely never be used.

I found one from Laserglow called the Galileo which is a green laser pointer at 5.0 mW but whilst a trusted brand, it doesn't appear to be waterproof.

I dabbled with lasers in the past but it would appear it's a fairly complex world these days so can not even begin to express just how grateful I would be for any pointers whatsoever (pun intended.) Who knows, you lovely people may even save some lives one day - ha!

TL;DR specs: waterproof, ~3 miles/ 5 km, SOS sequence, compact, replaceable batteries, likely green, cold climates,

Cheers again!

EDIT: just to clarify, I'm not looking for the well-known 'rescue flares' that spread the beam out and so are only visible when pointed in the direction of the target. I'm specifically seeking laser pointers like the ones discussed on this forum as as mentioned above "I like the idea of the beam being visible for maximum attention." Any suggestions of any green laser pointers that fit as many of the criteria above, would be deeply welcome and appreciated!
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I searched rescue laser for boats and they sell them. It’s just a laser with a cylinder lens to spread the beam out. I’d buy one as it is already controversial in terms of its use. Ie flashing lasers at other vehicles is illegal. There appears to be an exemption for this use so at least buy something sold for the purpose.
There was one thread long ago by a guy in Australia looking for a laser flare for boating use.
Not a topic that ever comes up on LPF really. Real world functinalities and application is most likely different from you imaginings about same.

It is simple enough to Google "sea rescue lasers" Beyond the following you are on your own.
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I searched rescue laser for boats and they sell them. It’s just a laser with a cylinder lens to spread the beam out. I’d buy one as it is already controversial in terms of its use. Ie flashing lasers at other vehicles is illegal. There appears to be an exemption for this use so at least buy something sold for the purpose.

Thanks so much for your response. Yeah, the well-known 'rescue laser flares' are an option for those happy to point the spread-out beam in the direction of the target and yes, you are correct that there is an exemption for search & rescue scenarios.

I apologise I didn't word my post very well. I am specifically seeking laser pointers like the ones discussed on this forum as as mentioned above "I like the idea of the beam being visible for maximum attention." (I've added an edit to the OP in the hope it helps.)

Any suggestions would be absolutely awesome. Cheers!
There was one thread long ago by a guy in Australia looking for a laser flare for boating use.
Not a topic that ever comes up on LPF really. Real world functinalities and application is most likely different from you imaginings about same.

It is simple enough to Google "sea rescue lasers" Beyond the following you are on your own.

Thanks so much for your reply. As you have discovered, the well-known 'rescue laser flares' are an option for those happy to point the spread-out beam in the direction of the target and yes, they are a popular tool for search & rescue scenarios.

I apologise I didn't phrase my original post very well. I am specifically seeking laser pointers like the ones discussed on this forum as as mentioned above "I like the idea of the beam being visible for maximum attention." (I've added an edit to the OP in the hope it helps.)

Any further wisdom would be absolutely awesome. Cheers!
The idea goes way back, as shown in the following notice from Laser Focus magazine, October 1967. Probably a 5mW He-Ne. Laser gun LF10:67.jpg
With no luck on this forum, if anyone could be kind enough to spare a few seconds to provide any other forums, subreddits, etc that might be able to provide any suggestions of laser pointers like the ones discussed on this forum, that would be deeply appreciated beyond words.

If you want the beam to be visible when viewing it off to the side, you'll need waaaay more power than 5mW. I'd go with what's sold commercially for the particular application, by people who've put a lot of thought into their product offerings. The visibility of sideways scattered light falls off rapidly with distance. Visibility of the beam viewed directly stays very high with great distance, even when allowed to diverge a bit to decrease the need for pointing accuracy.
Try here this is a dependable member here at LPF. He can make you one im sure . You would want at least a 520nm diode power wise is up to you. her is here in the USA fast delivery if you go for a Chinese version you will wait a while.
With no luck on this forum, if anyone could be kind enough to spare a few seconds to provide any other forums, subreddits, etc that might be able to provide any suggestions of laser pointers like the ones discussed on this forum, that would be deeply appreciated beyond words.

Lifetime is talking about Zach at BarnettUnlimited@gmail.com - email him, he responds a lot quicker then the other sellers
BarnettUnlimited on eBay
