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FrozenGate by Avery

PayPal = TSA

Feb 25, 2008
I got an e-mail from Paypal saying my associated accounts has a negative balance. I'm thinking bank account but they aren't in the negative. I call them up to get the issue resolved. It isn't a bank account that is in the negative. It is some other PP account that isn't mine. I only have one PP account. The only thing that is the same with my account and the other is the first and last name on the account. The problem is supposed to fixed in about 48 hours...

The other account is supposedly around -$83 and the member bought some phone off of Ebay.

Just because you have the same name as a terrorist or account holder with a negative balance doesn't mean you're the bad guy.

no but it means a bad guy stole your identity, I would report though paypal then the FBI.
I think PayPal is dumb then, look in the phone book you'll find how many people with the same exact name as yours; doesn't mean it's you OR someone else stole your identity or Fraud, simply means same name different person. I can't see how PayPal doesn't get that, how many Smiths you suppose are listed??

The last time I looked at my name, there were five people first/last name the same as mine listed in the same area. Two in the same town, and one actually on the same street as me. Does PayPal believe all those persons then can't setup an account because I already used the name??
I don't think that sound right, they would have had more than that to try and charge you a balance, I tell you what, I rented a car 7 years ago in Tacoma. Got home looked at my contract for the car, and the name on it, siad Orvile Gr**s now funny thing about that, is its not my name, but I had to give my SSN to get the car, the problem was I know that name, its not like its forgettable, it was someone I know in the Army from 12 years ago, so he rented a car with my SSN, without my knowledge, the only way I caught it was went to the same rental car place by way crazy odds, I live in TX.

So you never know, and if you ident is stolen, its prob not a terrorist lol but someone you know.
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The idiots at Paypal are up to no good again. They limited my account again. One of the steps to return my account to normal was verify my location. I selected give me a call. Turns out they don't call cell phones for that purpose. That's a horrible job on their part. I know plenty of people that don't have land lines. I can't wait to see their response to the e-mail I sent. I'm going to pray that Paypal gets nuked.
Do like me, accept bitcoin! Your funds can never be frozen, chargebacks are impossible and your "account" is fully under your control. And did I mention ZERO fees? I would love to see bitcoin gain mainstream momentum, and I think the laser niche is a great place to start, as paypal and the gang isn't exactly laser-friendly (can't ship lasers to America while paying with paypal for example).
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I ran across bitcoin while trying to do some research before buying my current video card. I tried to figure out what it is. I'm still confused as to how it works though.
Neat video. I'm basically going to let them (PP) freeze my account since they want my driver's license # and other stuff I simply do not want them to have.

Though I'm still not seeing any "pay with bitcoins" options on any websites I buy from. It seems you would still have to convert bitcoins back to dollars or euros, and then have to use PP or google wallet to actually pay anyways.

Perhaps it nice and open, but there doesn't seem to be much protection for the consumer..
People use Paypal because they want buyer protection. Sure, no fees, but Bitcoins have no buyers protection, so they might as well just send cash or something like that.
Neat video. I'm basically going to let them (PP) freeze my account since they want my driver's license # and other stuff I simply do not want them to have.

Though I'm still not seeing any "pay with bitcoins" options on any websites I buy from. It seems you would still have to convert bitcoins back to dollars or euros, and then have to use PP or google wallet to actually pay anyways.

Perhaps it nice and open, but there doesn't seem to be much protection for the consumer..

Bitcoin is in it's infancy, there isn't many sites accepting it (yet, hopefully). However, once you know where to look, there is quite a lot of shops: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Trade

People use Paypal because they want buyer protection. Sure, no fees, but Bitcoins have no buyers protection, so they might as well just send cash or something like that.

Bitcoin is designed to be like cash, only digital. You must agree that sending cash is mail is not a good payment option, it takes forever and it's insecure. Bitcoin however, is instant and the payment record is public and transparent. It's modern cash, and like cash, the payment cannot be reversed and not necessarily tracked.

This, of course, means that it's based on trust, and of course there will be some scammers. But the risk is minimalized if you just follow some common sense, and for established traders, it's more profitable to keep an honest business than to scam once and run off. You either have buyer protection, or you have "seller protection". You simply can't have it both. And I'd say there are just as many fraudulent sellers as there is fraudulent customers.
