I have lots of other passions - in the summer I like to travel around the US and ride rollercoasters with other members of the American Coaster Enthusiasts club. I know I've ridden more than 100 different coasters. In July my friend and I are going to do all the coasters in Pennsylvania one week.
I also like to garden, and I like to cook.
My job is freelance artwork, so that's both a hobby and a job - most of the time I do it for business but sometimes I draw or paint for personal amusement.
There is one other thing that I spend lots of money on building up a collection - I have a huge collection of natural history items. Sometimes I have a real dilemma - should I buy that lion skull for $600 or get a nice powerful red lab laser.......decisions, decisions! I've got tons of animal skulls, claws, teeth, skins, shark jaws, bones, etc. I can hope that one day my laser collection will also be that large!