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FrozenGate by Avery

Odicforce Entry Level Laser Kits

Try teflon tape on the lense,(~2 wraps around the threads) don't screw the lens all the way in to the focusing ring. I also used the tape on the focusing ring, and didn't use the spring.

You'll have to join the cue for that TJ! LOL! :tinfoil::crackup::beer:

[EDIT: Thanks for the link!]


Anybody for a round of billiards? I've got a set of pool queues :eg:

So, I was kind of wondering, I've seen you link odicforce kits before, but nobody has seemed to pick up on these kits here in the US? Anybody know of perhaps a hidden source of these types of mass-produced dedicated laser hosts?
Anybody know of perhaps a hidden source of these types of mass-produced dedicated laser hosts?
I am sure that if you look around here or similar places you will find someone who make you a few thousand units at a reasonable price. :)

(Think of what price low end flashlights are sold at, the host is not that different.)
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I think a few were picked up in the US if you look at the link from Lonewolf in post #58. I guess its just a matter of knowing they're available. A lot of people here will be making their own out of higher cost hosts and perhaps newer members buying ready mades from the DXs of this world but as a starter kit they're quite niche I think.

I would also think that as it's a UK source then this may be a barrier.

Still, I'm happy to promote a UK company and it's dead convenient for me.

Anyyyway back on topic :)

I solved the problem br rotating the "inner" lens as shown in pic...i get a perfect divergence on long shots...and good burning up close...see pic & try it.

^This lens is fitted in the correct way. Although it is a small aperture lens you can see the notches are not present. It is conceivable the lens is mounted incorrectly in Agravlin's but I've not seen that before.

(Sorry we did wander a little there!)

This kit is a great way to get some experience building DIY lasers. I ordered a kit on Feb 22nd and they were my first builds. I really enjoyed building them. I got one of the first batches where they were including a free red diode with them.

The end focusing threads are looser than I would like but teflon tape does help that. This is an amazing price for a DIY starter kit with almost everything you need and includes 2 hosts.

Two thumbs up from me.
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Anyyyway back on topic :)

I solved the problem br rotating the "inner" lens as shown in pic...i get a perfect divergence on long shots...and good burning up close...see pic & try it.


Awesome, you are a genius! I tried this, and now my dot is perfect.
Anyone wanna go half on one of these? You can keep the driver, diode, and lens. Send me the rest.
