Trust Wait for sci fi . You won't regret it. He gets new stock every couple weeks.
Or if you want something nice to hold you off
Military Adjustable Focus Green Laser Pointer Pen 5mW 532nm Beam Powerful 5 Mile | eBay
Mine metered at 100 mw
That green laser looks awesome. I actually just ordered a "5mW" 405 nm laser from ebay as well, and the host looks identical.
Really what i want, and will seriously complete my collection, is a low powered violet/or blue, and green, and red
PLUS a high powered (~100mW) violet/ or blue, and green, and red.
I have on order 5mW red blue green combo pack, which may end up being over spec.
And I also have as i just mentioned, the 405 "5mW" which is purported to be around 150mW.
My mission to get this 200mW red was to try to get the high powered set goin.
This green one will get it going quite nicely! Did you also buy it from the same user?
This still leaves the question of where to get the high powered red!!!
AND SO THE WAIT/HUNT BEGINS FOR THE RED. I'll probably end up waiting for scifi, as it seems to be the cheap laser of choice!