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FrozenGate by Avery

NUGM01T Kryton Groove

May 16, 2015
Hello again, friends. I've been absolutely swamped with work lately, so I haven't had any time at all to post any builds. Here's one that a guy requested recently. It's an NUGM01T in a Kryton Groove I got from BudgetBeams.com. I went with a 2.4A X-Drive from DTR. I will upload power results later. Just wanted to share a few pictures of the laser. The Groove is a great deal, and I will definitely be buying more.




And a couple of pictures with some other builds for the full RGB trio. Made for an insanely bright white area on the wall. Lol.


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Nice! How long does it take for the host to get hot?
can you post pics of your contact board and driver setup? Ive yet to do my build and had a few ideas

edit: just ordered another kryton groove from budgetbeams just for shisno
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Nice! How long does it take for the host to get hot?

It gets warm pretty quickly being a little over 10 watts in an all-aluminum host. I would keep duty cycles on this one around 45 seconds max.

can you post pics of your contact board and driver setup? Ive yet to do my build and had a few ideas

edit: just ordered another kryton groove from budgetbeams just for shisno

I've already sent it to him. I used a 17mm contact board. I put a very small spring on bottom so the batteries wouldn't put too much upward pressure on it. I actually soldered some small pieces of wire on the outer negative contacts to ensure good contact with the host. Probably wasn't necessary in the end, but it should help if it decides to move any at all. To secure it, I put some thermal adhesive around the edges between the contacts and used my finger to hold it down while it set. Once set, I added thermal adhesive to the top side all around the edges to hold it to the host (hopefully) forever. Lol. Let me know if I didn't explain anything well enough.
Awesome build. Nice to see some of these hosts still floating around.
