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FrozenGate by Avery

NUBM08E the new 9-10 watter


LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
We just saw the nubm06 hit nearly 8 watts at only 4.5a and it was rated as a 32w block.

Now comes the 36w rated 08e.

I will take 2 diodes.
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I dont think they even sell eyewear that would make me comfortable using this, I'll leave the deathrays to you guys to video and photograph.
Count me in for 2. I would also put in for the murder of one to see where they can be pushed to.
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9-10 Watts? Damn, that's nearly getting into CO2 laser territory. I'd be a little scared messing with that lol. Point it in the wrong direction and you'll set the house on fire XD
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Will someone please enlighten me as to why a person would want to use heat to remove these laser diodes from the factory heat sink ?

I have not yet seen a module so I have no idea how the LD's are mounted.

That seems like a a good way to kill a laser diode, how about pressing them out cold.

and if that is not going to work then a mill cutter will do the job, a bit slower but it will do the job !

I have inquired about these modules directly to Nichia and am waiting on a reply from them as to my price and availability.

ABarette do you have a scientific temp regulated plate?
I can buy one or you could, depending on who want's to take delivery and piece out, there is also the possibility your Chinese friends can pull like before for what was it? 2 dollars a diode?

We have the magic numbers and this digital display plate would do the trick, I should grab it but I'm such a cheapskate, I'm going to look for an even better deal, but there are plenty available.


946C Electronic Hot Plate Preheat PREHEATING Station Digital Display 220V | eBay

New Hot Plate Magnetic Stirrer Dual Control 5 Stir Bar Combo Free Shipping C3 | eBay

p.s. That 30w LPM is nice, what was the damage on that unit?

I am not trying to make anything on this, just share the cost so we all get to play, we will get the best deal we can, if ABarette buys a hot plate to do the pulls we can factor in a few dollars each to help pay for that, or I might just buy one and foot the bill myself, but it's all just shared cost so everyone gets a taste without having to spend a lot.
EDIT: Fp was right, heat is not the way to go, I stand corrected.
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:drool: I've been wanting to do a monster blue build, and I think this just may be the diode that I want!
Count me in for 1 as well!
The Chinese seem to do ok heating them, granted I laughed Gatorade out my nose when dude talked about using a toaster oven...

Well yeah, it might sound a bit ridiculous, but using things like toaster ovens to do even reflow soldering is actually feasible. Obviously you will not get the thermal profile you can get in professional equipment, but it's proven to be good enough to reflow circuitry containing processors and such without practical damage.

Temperature sensitivity of laser diodes when not operating is sometimes a bit mysterious, but the should survive techniques like wave and reflow soldering in general. A proper component datasheet will detail what temperature profile is acceptable, but if you don't have that it will be guesswork. For most components manufacturers put out pretty conservative numbers though, perhaps to a point that kills only 1 in a million units.

This one in a million figure may seem very small, but it's required when you do boards with a lot of components none of which can fail. Something like a computer mainboard can have a thousand components, and even on a 1-in-1-million failure rate that means 0.1% of them will be defective.

If you go as far as a temperature profile that kills 1 in 1000 components the yield of producing working boards becomes so low that most will have to be discarded, but a 99.9% yield of recovering laser diodes is still pretty darn good.
Count me in for 1. Whoever orders them can private message me and I will send paypal payment immediately.
I just saw this thread now. I just took a second look at the Tech hood posting on eBay. Now they are asking $1200.00. I just asked the women where I've been getting the 06's from and she is looking into it. They will extract them using the hot plate for free that is if they can get these diodes. I asked Techhood for the data sheet and haven't heard back yet. So far I haven't them make false claims of diode power so I'm inclined to believe these are the real deal. 10 watts or better. But $1200.00 isn't worth it to me. Hopefully under $800.00 and it's for sure a good thing.
It time production will catch up with demand, until then I will wait.
I May purchase some later the price was $800 i would pay $800 or less not $1200, you don't have to use heat to remove it i have a small cutting tool i would just cut it out very easy and slow and protect the lens i also like to use a vacuum when cutting :)
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