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FrozenGate by Avery

NOVAlasers X175

I emailed them Wednesday morning and no reply, I then emailed them @ 6am this morning and once again NO replies; Yes I've checked my spam folders, nothing held back.  I'm NOT impressed by their "customer service" OR should I say LACK of it, they've had it in their hands 11 days now; heck I only got to "play" with it less than a day, it really su*cks!!  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

I read before that someone stated that Nova Lasers may be affiliated with LaserGlow, but did you know they have the same address?
5 Adrian Ave, Toronto, ON, Canada  I just noticed that on their web pages today for customer support.  :-?
seems like any laser over 125mw pen style higher % of issues
so 125mw or less go nova 125 or more optotronics
just one persons oppinion ;D
john_lawson said:
seems like any laser over 125mw pen style higher % of issues
so 125mw or less go nova 125 or more optotronics
just one persons oppinion  ;D
I agree with that too, I think 125mw or more in a pen size laser is pushing the envelope; Beachbumbora even had problems with his X-125 from Nova Lasers.  :o

So Yes when I wanted a Good high powered Laser, I naturally choose the RPL-400 from Optotronics.  8-)
