That's not a terrible speed, but not great either. I get ~15-20mbps downloads, and upload speed is around 3-5mpbs. $55 per month. There are faster options though.
What I think is kind of a rip off, is you, and I both pay taxes specifically to fund rural electrification. Why the hell doesn't that include cable/fiber when basically all of the US has long since been electrified.
About the porn ban.... porn has absolutely nothing to do with it. The whole "think of the children" bs is a red herring, once it goes to a national level. It may have started that way due to the daughter of the woman killed, and her pushing for it, but at this point, with Cameron pushing for it, it's much much more.
What will be done is there will be an outcry, and this bill will be pulled back.
A temporary victory, because after there will be a number of smaller changes, all innocuous by themselves, but combined they will amount to blatant censorship.